The staff consisted of all employees who were not faculty. Marlboro College employed staff on the basis of employment at will.
Senior Team were those so designated by the President (Dean of Admissions, Provost and Dean of Faculty, Dean of Students, Chief External Relations Officer, Director of Plant & Operations, Chief Planning and Budget Officer, Dean of the Graduate School of Professional Studies, Assistant to the President, and the President). A faculty liaison and a student liaison–either the Head Selectperson, if a student, or one of the student representatives to the Board of Trustees–were invited to participate in Senior Team meetings.
- responsible to the Board for general management of the College;
- directly responsible to the Board of Trustees for the financial and business administration of the College, and for its relation to other communities, both civil and academic;
- ex officio a member of the Board of Trustees, the faculty, and the Council of Academic Advisors;
- acts as chair of the faculty;
- responsible to the Board of Trustees, jointly with the faculty, for the academic program of the College. The President maintained that program within the objectives of the College, as determined by the Board. The President was also responsible jointly with the faculty for maintaining order at the College.
- additional duties consistent with the President’s Office may have occasionally been assigned to a Dean or business officer by the President.
- with the approval of the Board of Trustees, may have occasionally created new senior administrative positions. The President applied standards for other senior administrative offices to appointments and terminations in these newly created positions. Duties of these positions were specified by letter from the President to the appointee, at the time the appointment was made.
- junior administrative positions may have been created occasionally by the President. Appointment and termination of appointment to these positions were to be made by the President in consultation with the senior administrative officer concerned. Duties of these positions were specified by letter from the President to the appointee, at the time the appointment was made.
- The Chief Planning and Budget Officer was responsible for budget planning and control, and the Bookstore.
- The Director of Plant and Operations was responsible for the operation and maintenance of the plant, and purchasing.
- administered the academic program, including Plans of Concentration, as formulated by the faculty and was responsible for the advising system and graduate school guidance;
- arranged with members of the faculty the terms of their appointments;
- had authority to resolve questions of academic jurisdiction within the faculty;
- presided at Faculty Meetings in the absence of the President;
- was chair ex officio of the Committee on Faculty and served on the Curriculum Committee;
- had the authority to grant Incompletes in coursework;
- was responsible for reinstatements, granting of leaves of absence, and terms in absentia;
- was designated as the Dean of the College and was responsible for the general administration of the College in the absence of the President.
- administered those student regulations not delegated to the Town Meeting or to other administrative offices;
- the Dean of Students or their delegate was the administrative and faculty liaison with the officers of the Town Meeting, and was ex officio chair of the Dean’s Advisory Committee.
- while the Dean of Students was responsible and ultimately accountable to the President, faculty, and Trustees for general standards of order, safety and decency of the College community, they were not bound by the separate standards of any of these persons in performing their regular duties as advisor to the officials and citizens of the College community government.
- was responsible for assignment of student housing, the Resident Assistant program, the Recreation program, career guidance, the Health Education program, and new student orientation;
- administered the medical and counseling programs;
- had the authority to grant medical leaves of absence for a definite or indefinite period, and for readmission from medical leave or withdrawal, on the advice of College medical authorities.
The President
The President was appointed by the Board of Trustees and served at the will of the Board, subject to the provisions of the law and the charter.
Members of the Senior Team
Members of the Senior Team were appointed by the President. Appointments became effective upon confirmation by the Board of Trustees. The President could terminate these appointments after formally notifying the Board.