Appendix II

Emergency Response Plan

This Emergency Response Plan was developed for the Marlboro College community to respond to situations that threaten students, faculty, staff or property of the College. The following document outlines a framework for determining the level of response and provides contact information and protocols for a variety of events. Though the framework uses “Steps,” each situation is unique and some deviation from the “Steps” is to be expected. Emergency situations are not equal. Different levels of response and different personnel may be required depending on the nature and severity of the incident

Once you have contacted 911, *611 or the Student Life Coordinator (SLC), please follow their instructions for what to do next.

Step 1

Dial 911. The 911 System is linked to fire, rescue and police departments.

Step 2

  • During Business Hours – Dial *611 (Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm). This will contact the on-campus emergency personnel. Callers should report the location and description of the emergency, and that 911 was called.
  • During Non-Business Hours, Weekends & Holidays – Page the SLC at 877.730.6051 (4:30pm-8:30am weekdays and all day on weekends and holidays). Please report the location, description of the emergency, and that 911 was called.

Step 1

  • During Business Hours – Dial *611 (Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm) Callers should report the location and description of the emergency.
  • During Non-Business Hours, Weekends& Holidays – Page the SLC at 877.730.6051 (4:30pm-8:30am weekdays and all day on weekends and holidays) Callers should report the location and description of the emergency.

When an emergency calls for all-campus notification, the following will take place:

  • The website will be updated with any pertinent information.
  • An e-mail will be sent to all addresses.
  • The Dining Hall will become the central hub for communication. An “Emergency Board” will be set up with pertinent information and a member of the Senior Staff of the College (or their designee) will be stationed there until the emergency has been resolved.

*611: When you dial *611 during business hours, a call is placed to the Total Health Center, the Director of Plant & Operations, the Dean of Students, the Director of Housing and Residential Life, the Chief Planning and Budget Officer and the College Receptionist. *611 enables you to talk via an open conference call to these individuals so that response to the emergency may begin immediately. If you have already called 911, please inform the individuals on the line that this has occurred.

Step 1

  • Record all vital information, including:
    • The location of the device.
    • The time, if any, the device is scheduled to go off.
    • The appearance or type of container used for the device.
    • The reason for placing the device.
    • The size of the bomb.
    • The type of explosive used in the device.
    • The name of the caller or organization taking responsibility.
    • Any additional information that might be available.

Step 2

  • If possible, note the following information:
    • Caller’s age
    • Caller’s gender
    • Any background noise heard during call
    • Caller’s mental state
    • Write down the Caller ID number

Step 3

Call 911.

Step 4

If this occurs during Business Hours, call *611 to alert the Emergency Team. If it’s after hours, weekends or a holiday, page the SLC at 877.730.6051.

If you see a suspicious object or a potential bomb, DO NOT HANDLE THE OBJECT. Clear the area and dial 911 and then either *611 (business hours) or page the SLC at 877.730.6051 (after hours, weekends, or holidays). Inform them that 911 has been called.

If there is an explosion:

  1. Immediately take cover under sturdy furniture
  2. Stay away from the windows
  3. Do not light matches
  4. Move well away from the site of the explosion to a safe location
  5. Use stairs only, do not use elevators

Administrative Response:

  • The Crisis Alert Notification System will be enacted.
  • The building in question will be evacuated to predetermined and posted safe zones. When evacuating the building, only use stairs. Do not use elevators. Move well away from the building and follow the instructions of emergency personnel at the scene.

Step 1

Call 911.

Step 2

If this occurs during Business Hours, call *611. If it’s after hours, weekends or a holiday, page the SLC at 877.730.6051.

Step 1

Dial 911. The 911 System is linked to fire, rescue and police departments.

Step 2

If possible, secure vehicle, position flares at a safe distance from crash scene and display other appropriate warning devices.

Step 3

Ensure passengers remain in vehicle if it is safe to do so or move passengers away from the scene of the collision.

Step 4

Page the Director of Plant Operations at 802.742.1653 and call the Fleet Manager at 802.579.9321

Step 5

Get names and addresses of any witnesses to provide to campus and law enforcement officials. If the accident involves another vehicle, collect insurance information if applicable.

Step 1

Evacuate to locations posted on emergency signs.

Step 2

Dial 911.

Step 3

If this occurs during Business Hours, call *611 and page the Fire Chief at 802.742.1647. If it’s after hours, weekends or a holiday, page the SLC at 877.730.6051 and the Fire Chief at 802.742.1647

Step 1

Cease all operations! Do not switch on the lights or any electrical equipment. Immediately page the Director of Plant and Operations at 802.742.1653.

Step 2

Evacuate to predetermined and posted safe zones.

When an individual in a campus building or on campus is actively causing deadly harm or the threat of imminent deadly harm to people.

Step 1

Immediately seek cover. Some recommendations:

  • Run away from the threat if you can, as fast as you can.
  • Do not run in a straight line. Use buildings, trees, shrubs, and cars as cover.
  • If you are in a building, lock yourself in classrooms, dorm rooms, and offices as a means of protection.
  • Stay low, away from windows and barricade their door(s) if possible and use furniture or desks as cover.
  • Be aware of alternate exits if it becomes necessary to flee.
  • If possible, cover any windows or openings that have a direct line of sight into the hallway
  • If you decide to hide, take into consideration the area in which you are hiding. Will I be found? Is this really a good spot to remain hidden?
  • If the person(s) is causing death or serious physical injury to others and you are unable to run or hide you may choose to play dead if other victims are around you.
  • If hiding or playing dead, do not give away your position or stand up until the Police give the all-clear sign.

Step 2

  • Dial 911. Give as many details as possible relative to location, number of assailants, means of aggression and other pertinent information. Do not sound the fire alarm to evacuate the building. People may be placed in harm’s way when they are attempting to evacuate the building.

Anyone who believes a student to be missing for a period exceeding 24 hours should immediately report their concern to the Dean of Students (802.258.9238), the Director of Housing & Residential Life (802.258.9232) or a Student Life Coordinator (877.730.6051). Any report of a missing student will be fully investigated by appropriate personnel under the coordination of the Dean of Students. In order to determine if a student is missing, College officials will check a student’s card access records, class attendance, student residence, and use other methods to determine the status of a missing student. Marlboro College will notify appropriate local law enforcement agencies not later than 24-hours after the time a student is determined to be missing. If the student has designated an emergency contact person, the College will notify that individual as well.

Note for students under age of 21: Suzanne’s Law requires law enforcement to notify the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) when someone between the age of 18 and 21 is reported missing, as part of the national “Amber Alert” bill. This Federal law is named for Suzanne Lyall, a State University of New York at Albany student who has been missing since 1998.

In compliance with the Federal Higher Education Opportunity Act, federal law, 20 U.S.C § 1092j, a student may identify an individual to be contacted by the College not later than twenty-four (24) hours after the time circumstances indicate that the student may be missing. The student should notify the Emergency Contact that he or she has been designated as an Emergency Contact. For students under age eighteen (18) and not emancipated, Marlboro is required to notify the custodial parent not later than twenty-four (24) hours after the time the student is determined to be missing.

Step 1

  • The Crisis Alert Notification System will be enacted. Instructions will follow.

Step 2

  • Evacuate to Dining Hall and Persons Auditorium. Once the assembly/shelter areas are filled, maintenance and security personnel will lock and attempt to seal doors and windows with duct tape and plastic. The HVAC system will be turned off and the dampers will be closed. Each assembly/shelter area is equipped with a medical/emergency supply kit. No one will leave the shelter areas until the president or designee has told you to leave.