Aaron Kisicki Utility Matters

“The transition from Marlboro to law school was a little bumpy,” says attorney Aaron Kisicki ’02. “It was like I was back in high school: a professor at the front of the room highlighting the salient points of the reading. It wasn’t engaging. I would want to discuss an issue further, but the professor would simply say that there was nothing more to discuss and move on.”
Aaron reflects differently on his time at Marlboro, where he worked with Meg Mott and John Sheehy to develop a Plan of Concentration focused on constitutional law and the then-newly-passed U.S.A. Patriot Act. Now an attorney with the Vermont Department of Public Service representing the public interest in state utility proceedings, Aaron still looks back on his Marlboro years as crucial to developing his skills as a lawyer.
“The internet was in its infancy when I was at Marlboro,” says Aaron. “Now students have the ability to quickly access online information at will. The old model of a professor standing at the head of a room and acting as a fountain of knowledge doesn’t work well today. Developing skill sets that allow one to understand, synthesize, and articulate information is now more important than ever. Marlboro has always focused on building those skills, and it does so in a way that no other school can.”