It is the policy of Marlboro College not to discriminate in its admissions program, student services or employment practices on the basis of race, creed, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, age, or disability.
Inquiries regarding discrimination should be made to the Compliance Coordinator, Marlboro College, Marlboro VT 05344. (802) 451-7123.
Grievance Procedure
Students or employees who believe that they have been discriminated against at Marlboro College should follow this suggested Grievance Procedure. This procedure has been designed
- to determine whether discrimination has occurred and
- to determine an appropriate redress, if discrimination is established. Prompt resolution of all grievances is the aim of the procedure.
The terms “Grievant” and “Respondent” (the party alleged to have discriminated) may include not only an individual, but also a group of individuals, an organization, and the College itself.
Informal Procedure Within The College
Step 1. The Grievant should go directly to the Respondent to discuss the alleged discrimination.
Step 2. If the grievance is unresolved, the Grievant and Respondent may together select a person or persons to help mediate the dispute.
Formal Procedure Within The College
- If the Grievant has not obtained satisfaction through the informal procedure explained above, then the Grievant may pursue the matter further by submitting within sixty (60) calendar days of the alleged violation a formal, written grievance to the Compliance Coordinator. This should state the name of the Grievant, the date of the alleged discrimination, the Respondent, the nature of the grievance, the evidence on which the grievance is based, the redress sought, and a description of steps already taken to settle the dispute.
- The Compliance Coordinator shall set a date and time for a formal Hearing to be held within ten (10) working days [or within thirty (30) working days, in the case of an ad hoc Committee of the Board] after the grievance has been filed. The Hearing shall be conducted by the ad hoc College Grievance Committee, composed of three (3) members of the Marlboro College Community: one chosen by the Grievant, one chosen by the Respondent, and the third chosen by the first two Committee members and accepted by both Grievant and Respondent. A formal Hearing shall be closed unless the Grievant and Respondent agree in advance that it shall be open.
- The Compliance Coordinator shall give copies of the formal, written grievance to the Respondent and to each member of the College Grievance Committee, in advance of the Hearing.
- If the President is the Respondent, the Compliance Coordinator shall submit the formal, written grievance directly to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. The Chairperson shall appoint an ad hoc Committee of the Board. This Committee shall follow the same procedure set forth for the College Grievance Committee.
- The College Grievance Committee shall report its decision to the Grievant and Respondent within five (5) working days after the conclusion of the formal hearing. Whether or not discrimination is found, the Committee shall state in writing the findings that support its decision. Where discrimination is found, the Committee shall further recommend, in writing, the specific actions to be taken by the Respondent and/or by the College to the discrimination. The minutes of this formal Hearing, and the written decision of the Grievance Committee, shall go to the President and shall be kept on file indefinitely. If there are no appeals or reviews, the written recommendations shall be implemented.
At any time, limits mentioned in the Formal Procedure Within the College may be extended with the mutual consent of the Grievant and the Respondent. Appeal Procedure Within The College: Upon the request of the Grievant and/or the Respondent, and within five (5) working days of the College Grievance Committee’s written decision, the President (or the President’s delegate) must review the written record of the case. In the absence of such a request, the President (or delegate) may, within five (5) additional working days, conduct such a review. In either case, the President (or delegate) may confirm, amend, overturn or return the written decision and/or recommendations to the College Grievance Committee for reconsideration. The President (or delegate) shall state in writing the reasons for this decision, and must report this decision to the Grievant, the Respondent, the College Grievance Committee, and the Compliance Coordinator within five (5) working days of the review.
Formal Procedures Outside The College
After notice to the Compliance Coordinator of the grievance, the Grievant may:
- Call or write the Department of Health and Human Services, Boston, MA (Regional Board)
- Call or write the Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC (National Board)
Information about either of these steps may be obtained from the Compliance Coordinator.
Title IX
Students of Marlboro College are protected from sex discrimination in the following areas:
- Admission to most schools
- Access to enrollment in courses
- Access to and use of school facilities
- Counseling and guidance materials, tests, and practices
- Vocational education
- Physical education
- Competitive athletics
- Graduation requirements
- Student rules, regulations, and benefits
- Treatment as a married and/or pregnant student
- Housing
- Financial assistance
- Health services
- School-sponsored extracurricular activities
- Most other aid, benefits, and services
Title VII
Employees of Marlboro College may not be discriminated against in the following areas:
- Access to employment, including: recruitment policies and practices, advertising, application procedures, testing and interviewing practices;
- Hiring and promotion, including: selection practices, application of nepotism policies, demotion, layoff, termination, tenure;
- Compensation, including: wages and salaries, extra compensations;
- Job assignments, including: classification and position descriptions, lines of progression, seniority lists, assignment and placement;
- Leaves of absence, including: leaves for temporary disability, childbearing and related medical conditions, child-rearing;
- Fringe benefits, including: insurance plans, retirement plans, vacation time, travel opportunities, selection and support for training, employer-sponsored programs;
- Labor organization contracts or professional agreements.