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This page details the purpose of the community committees and several positions.

Town Meeting Committees

  1. The Committee shall advise on health care policy and order of operations of the Total Health Center, initiate legislation as necessary, address health related student issues and develop educational programs, discussions and events to meet the needs of the current campus population.
  2. The committee shall advise and work with the Total Health Center, including conducting periodic review of the Health Services and working to improve or revise these services as necessary. The Director of the Total Health Center shall appoint a representative to the committee to facilitate this communication.
  3. The committee shall have four members, two elected at the start of the Fall semester and two elected at the start of the Spring semester for terms of one year. There shall always be at least two students on the committee.

Community Service Committee (CSC) is a project committee. Project Committees are budgeted from the Community Activities Fund. Project Committees are composed of three elected members: a Chair, a Assistant Chair, and a Clerk.

The CSC is charged with developing and maintaining community service opportunities for the Marlboro College community. The committee focuses its work in the surrounding communities, but is not limited to the immediate geographic area.

The Environment Quality Committee (EQC) is a project committee. (Project Committees are budgeted from the Community Activities Fund. Project Committees are composed of three elected members: a Chair, a Assistant Chair, and a Clerk.)

The EQC creates, enacts, and sustains programs that reduce campus resource consumption and improve campus environmental quality. This includes maintaining a bulletin board in the Dining Hall and organizing recycling and composting efforts.

The Farm Committee will consist of six Town Meeting Members, which includes preferably one student, faculty, and staff member. The Farm Committee will guide, plan, and organize the pursuit of small scale agriculture at Marlboro. They will be responsible for providing leadership and knowledge to the wider community, for coordinating both the physical farm work and the extensive long term planning necessary to create and maintain a sustainable farm. To these ends, the committee will appoint a Farm Manager and Apprentice Farm Manager at the beginning of each Spring semester to coincide with a new growing cycle.

Public Art Committee is a project committee. (Project Committees are budgeted from the Community Activities Fund. Project Committees are composed of three elected members: a Chair, a Assistant Chair, and a Clerk.)

Public Art Committee is responsible for the development, advancement, and encouragement of Marlboro Community art in appropriate public spaces on the Marlboro campus.

The Selectboard is responsible for the leadership and general well being of the community. Specific responsibilities include:

  1. the proper exercise of the powers that have been formally delegated to the community government
  2. representation of the interests of the students to faculty, administrative personnel, and other bodies
  3. advising and counseling individuals as may seem appropriate
  4. maintenance of pleasant and hygienic conditions on campus
  5. enforcement of community by-laws.

The committee is responsible for regularly publicizing and hearing applications to the Town Meeting Scholarship Fund. The Language: “The Committee on the Town Meeting Scholarship Fund (herein “the Committee”) will manage the Town Meeting Scholarship Fund (TMSF). The Committee will consist of five members. Three members will serve one­ year terms beginning after the final faculty meeting of the fall term. Two shall serve one ­year terms beginning following the Final Faculty meeting of the spring semester. Committee members may not apply to the TMSF, but may apply to the Reserve Fund”

This committee is responsible for helping to address and facilitate the spiritual and religious needs of students, faculty and staff by providing a Space on campus for the general practice of religious and spiritual activities. In addition, they shall be responsible for encouraging discussion about these ideas, as well as providing links to the greater religious and spiritual community in a manner demanded by the student body.

“The Housing Committee will consist of the Director of Housing and Residential Life, ex officio; A Resident Assistant, ex officio; four students; one staff or faculty member. The committee will assist the Director of Housing and Residential Life in housing policy and administration, to an extent decided by the Director and the committee, and perform duties as specified in article VIII: Rooming Policy.” (By-Laws. XII.)

The Housing Committee manages housing policy and the special designations of dormitories. Its purpose is to assist the Director and their administration (Student Life Coordinators and Resident Assistants) with housing policy and the special designations of campus residences. Housing policy includes forming and implementing the housing contract and ensuring a successful housing selection process each spring. The committee also provides students, staff, and faculty with a channel for communicating their concerns and suggestions about housing operations.

The Work Program Coordinators maintain opportunities for volunteer work on campus, including organising Work Day each semester.

The Marlboro College Women’s Resource Center aims to recognize oppressive power structures and work against them through intentional dialogue. The WRC provides an accountable space in which individuals present strive not to reproduce oppressions. The WRC also provides a dedicated space for female socialized and/or identified students, staff and faculty of Marlboro College. The WRC aims to empower all community members to reconstruct a sense of community and equality, be an institutional advocate for women, trans people, and women’s issues, and trans issues and be an educational leader on issues of gender, sexism and oppression. The WRC celebrates the exploration of people’s differences and encourages all community members to engage in dialogue with the Center. The Women’s Resource Center’s advisory board will consist of six town meeting members, preferably two staff members, two students, and two faculty members. Members will be elected through Town Meeting and serve one year terms three starting in the fall and three starting in the spring. These town meeting members should serve as community educators and organizers on issues of gender, sexism, and oppression. They will also manage the WRC space.

Events Committee is a project committee. (Project Committees are budgeted from the Community Activities Fund. Project Committees are composed of three elected members: a Chair, a Assistant Chair, and a Clerk.)

Events Committee is responsible for organizing and providing for cultural events such as lectures, readings, concerts, and performances open to the community without charge. It is also responsible for Apple Days in the Fall semester and Mayfest and the Senior Send-Off Party in the Spring semester.

General responsibilities include: choosing the time and place of, setting up, and cleaning up after events, advanced advertisement of events, and providing supplies for events (donations, volunteers, and Committee funds can help with this).

The Marlboro College Queer Resource Center will endeavor to provide a safe and inclusive space for queer identified individuals within the community. It will also provide educational resources to queer community members, and all community members who wish to learn more about queer culture and identity. The QRC will act as an advocate for those who are questioning, or find themselves in a state of conflict over their gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation. It will advise related policy made through Town Meeting, and have a role in ensuring safety and accessibility in the wider community for all those who identify as queer.

Two QRC Moderators will be elected at the beginning of each fall semester and serve a term of one year. The Moderators are responsible for setting regular meeting times, and calling ad hoc meetings as needed. The Moderators will hold the key to the QRC space.

Membership to the QRC will not be determined by election. Rather, all those who wish to be on the QRC shall notify the Moderators. This ensures privacy of queer-identified individuals who may not wish to be ‘out,’ but are in need of a secure and supportive space.

The Trustee Representatives attend meetings of the Board of Trustees, and meetings of Trustee committees as appropriate, as non-voting representatives. They are responsible for reporting to the trustees on matters of student concern and for reporting to Town Meeting on trustee decisions and actions. There are three trustee meetings per academic year.

Living In Color (LIC) is a student-run minority resource group for people of color (POC). It is comprised of 2-3 main coordinators elected by town meeting annually, with at least one being elected is in January and at least one being elected in September, and LIC strongly encourages those leadership positions to be held by POC. However, organizational responsibilities will not be limited to LIC coordinators. All members of the Marlboro community will have many opportunities to contribute. The group will have a faculty advisor who will be appointed by the coordinators as needed. LIC has two main, independent goals:

  1. Community education: Holding events/discussions at least once a month; Bringing noteworthy speakers to give talks on campus. Educational LIC events typically cover a range of themes including race, class, culture, LGBTQA issues and anything else pertaining to the identities of POC at Marlboro College.
  2. Providing safe spaces for POC to share their experiences: Social events for POC may be held on or off campus Above all else, LIC strives to create spaces where people can dissect challenging topics in a mindful and respectful manner.

The Calendar Curator shall maintain an orderly and functional Calendar by:

  1. ensuring Calendar Event cards are stocked, available for use, and kept near the Calendar.
  2. configuring day, week, and month markers, and date/Event cards at the beginning of each semester.
  3. organizing the Calendar regularly and tidying the area around the Calendar.
  4. advertising their presence and role.
  5. supporting community members in scheduling Events.
  6. providing the Town Crier weekly with a list of Events to be announced at mealtimes.
  7. maintaining regular contact with the Events Committee, Committee on Lectures, Concerts, and Exhibits, Office of Residential Life, Selectboard, Academic Affairs, Outdoor Program, and any other Committee, Office, or Department which regularly holds Events.

The Calendar Curator shall ensure that community members are using the Calendar properly by establishing and maintaining a general code of use:

  1. Space on the Calendar may be used exclusively for Event cards and flyers.
  2. Once an Event has been posted, only the Calendar Curator or host(s) of the Event may alter or remove the Event card.
  3. Tampering with, defacing, or removing Event cards is prohibited.
  4. If a Community Member fails to abide by these guidelines, they will be subject to a penalty of one (1) hour of community service.

The Food Committee shall: The Food Committee will discuss campus food offerings with the dining service, maintain a system for soliciting feedback concerning dining service, and communicate feedback with the kitchen staff. The committee will also work with the Compost Coordinator, the Farm Committee, the Environmental Quality Committee, and the Real Food Challenge to advance their common interests.

Other Elected Positions

The Head Selectperson has a special position of leadership and general responsibility for the well being of the Community as a whole. In addition to regular selectboard responsibilities, the Head Selectperson meets with the president, faculty, staff, and students on a regular basis, and is responsible for the organization of Town Meeting and chairing selectboard meetings.

At least once a year, the Literary Magazine will publish works of literature and art by members of the Marlboro College community. The editor’s job will involve scheduling, organizing, and overseeing the entire project. The editor will appoint the two other editors for business and layout.

The Selectboard Clerk is responsible for taking minutes for Town Meeting and Selectboard Meetings. The Clerk shall also maintain online content related to Town Meeting and Selectboard, as well as update the Community Constitution and Bylaws when new/revised language is passed through Town Meeting. The Selectboard Clerk is a full member of Selectboard.

The Selectboard Treasurer oversees the Town Meeting budget and Selectboard funds. The Treasurer will cooperate with the Financial Officers of the college in the maintenance of these accounts. The Treasurer is responsible for drafting the Town Meeting Budget and informing the community of the state of the Town Meeting Budget at the end of each semester. The Treasurer is a full member of Selectboard.

Responsible for editing and distributing The Citizen. The Citizen is a vehicle for the communication of news, opinions, letters, reviews, and related information among members of the College Community. Its pages and production process are open to any member of the College Community who wishes to participate within the bounds of practicality and at the Editor’s judgment. The Editor of the Citizen is responsible for organizing and supervising staff for the Citizen, and overseeing production of issues of the Citizen. This is a paid position.

The clerk’s responsibility is to keep a written record of both the open and closed hearings of the Court and to distribute this record to the appropriate parties. The clerk is not a voting member of the Court.

The Town Crier shall announce lectures, concerts and other performances or events that concern the Marlboro Community. They are responsible for providing the Community with (1) a set schedule of when and where announcements will take place, and (2) a substitute Crier is unavailable or off campus at one of the scheduled announcement times. The Town Crier may add to their duties as they see fit.

The Town Meeting Moderator moderates Town Meeting. Town Meeting shall be conducted by Robert’s Rules of Order, as interpreted by the moderator. The moderator may appoint a parliamentarian to advise on questions of process during the meeting.

At the first Town Meeting the moderator will explain, quickly and concisely, the order and rules relating to how Town Meeting is run. The steps on how a vote is taken, how to ask questions, and how to state opinions for or against a proposal or amendment will be clarified during the first fall town meeting.

Faculty Committees

The Committee on Academic Integrity consists of the Dean of the Faculty, the Director of Academic Advising, two students elected by Town Meeting, and two members of the Faculty appointed annually by the Dean of the Faculty. The Committee considers regulations of academic policy and issues of academic integrity and makes recommendations to the Faculty either directly or through another committee. In particular, the Committee, together with affected faculty, investigates suspected plagiarism, making a determination as to scale and intent to deceive, with recommendations to the Faculty for action.

The committee is responsible for admissions decisions for all new applicants to the college; for assisting and advising the Director of Admissions in administering the Admissions program; and for proposing any changes in admissions procedures or standards to the full faculty. Responsibilities include reviewing files of applicants for admission to the college and attending a weekly meeting to discuss these files. Nominated parties must post letters of intent on the Town Meeting board.

The committee’s primary functions are to conduct searches for new faculty, to conduct regular and special reviews of members of the faculty, and to make recommendations to the President concerning appointments to the faculty. From time to time, it may also review and porpose to the faculty changes to the procedures governing its actions or pertaining to the professional rights and responsibilities of faculty members.

The Committee on Finances consists of two staff members, elected by the staff, two students elected from Town Meeting, and the members of the Faculty Committee on Finances. The chair is elected from within the committee. The committee consults with the president and the senior staff on employee benefits, the finances of the college, and related college policies, broadly defined. It gathers employee opinions on these topics, represents those opinions wherever it may be appropriate, and shares the results of these efforts with the community.

The Committee is responsible for organizing public lectures, concerts and exhibits, for administering the funds in support of such activities, included but not limited to special gifts and endowments; and for coordinating with the Lyceum Committee of Town Meeting. It may apply for grants in support of its activities to supplement the College budget.

The committee consists of four members of the faculty, one from each area of the curriculum. It is responsible for gathering and coordinating information on eligibility for academic scholarships, for making recommendations to the faculty for the award of such scholarships, and for gathering the information on the award of prizes in specific areas from the faculty who decide them.

The Committee for Global Engagement considers a broad range of policies governing international and intercultural study opportunities and initiatives that foster global perspectives across the curriculum. The committee works to ensure community-wide discussion on international programs, serves as an advocate for internationalization of the curriculum, and provides guidance on international academic programs. Policy or program changes are brought to the Curriculum Committee for advice and to the faculty for formal approval. The committee works with the international administrative staff on implementation of policy.

The committee considers a broad range of questions pertaining to the curriculum: proposed changes in course offerings; the need or advisability of adding new positions to the faculty or of allocating positions differently; the definition and descriptions of open regular positions; changes in academic regulations; curricular issues referred to it from the whole faculty or raised by faculty or students or the Registrar; and so on.

The committee advises the Dean of Students on student business and on the application of College and Town Meeting regulations; it may propose changes in regulations to the faculty, to Town Meeting, and to the Administration.

Its primary functions are to read and evaluate the writing of students who have not yet passed the Clear Writing Requirement; to recommend action to the faculty or the Dean of Faculty concerning those students; and occasionally to consider changes to the regulations covering the Clear Writing Requirement.

The IRB (also known as the Research Review Board) reviews all faculty, staff and student research involving human and non-human animal subjects. For research projects involving animal subjects the Dean of Faculty appoints an additional member (a veterinarian) from outside the College community. The IRB is also responsible for holding annual workshops on research and updating College materials on research policies and procedures.

They attend meetings of the Board of Trustees, and of Trustee committees as appropriate, as non-voting representatives of the faculty. They are responsible for reporting to the trustees on matters of faculty concern and for reporting to the faculty on trustee discussions and actions.

The committee is charged with improving and exploring issues related to the freshman and sophomore experience at Marlboro. Specific concerns include academic advising, peer advising, the Dedicated Hour, and transition to Plan.

Its purpose is to assist the library administration with forming and implementing policies regarding the use and development of the library. It also provides the students and faculty with a channel for communicating their concerns and suggestions about library operations.

The committee will consult regularly with other faculty and staff who teach and/or support the teaching of languages at Marlboro such as the Classics and Arabic Fellows. The Language Committee’s chief responsibility is to manage, encourage and communicate the language study offerings, opportunities, and initiatives of the College. This includes especially the coordination of student requests for, and available College support for, Less Commonly Taught Languages. The Language Committee awards Marlboro College Summer Language Study Grants.

Administrative Committees

The committee shall: advise the president regarding college environmental sustainability; recommend policies and procedures to implement the Environmental Mission Statement; collaborate closely with EQC and, in cooperation with the EQC, promote sustainability awareness throughout the college community; and conduct regular assessments of college progress toward sustainability.

The Panel on Sexual Misconduct, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence and Stalking (“Panel”) shall be composed of two faculty, two staff members, two students, and one community member from the Graduate School. In cases handled through the formal complaint process described in the Title IX Policy, the Panel considers investigation reports and evidence collected in investigations, and deliberates and makes decisions on whether or not this Policy has been violated and recommendations about sanctions.

The SBC is responsible for coordinating the multi-million dollar campus building plan. The committee looks at renovation and construction of buildings, and grounds and road design. Duties include integrating user group programs, architect selection, the permitting process, and gathering community input.

The Title IX Coordinator’s Committee will work with the Title IX Coordinator to identify and assess concerns or complaints about the College’s procedures and practices related to misconduct prohibited by the Policy stated above. This role will be particularly important in areas where a particular Title IX Coordinator’s other responsibilities with the College may require her or him to interact with individuals or processes through those other responsibilities, and/or to implement aspects of the College’s response through such responsibilities.

Appointed Positions

The Crew Chief is responsible for ensuring that the dining hall is a healthy and welcoming place in which to eat. The Chief is supervised by the Selectboard and paid $2000 per semester. One Chief must be on duty after every scheduled meal in the dining hall. The Chief must solicit participation from community members in writing at least one week before they are expected to serve.

To protect the integrity of the Community, two Advocates from the Town Meeting are appointed by the Board of Selectpersons to undertake all cases presented to them by other members of the Community. They are responsible for the correct writing of charges, in accordance with the Handbook, for proper investigation (i.e., gathering sufficient evidence); for making an effort to settle cases out of Court; and for determining whether the accused has been advised of his or her rights by the Dean of Students. Each Advocate is appointed as Associate Advocate to a one-year term. Appointments are made prior to the start of each semester, and only one Associate Advocate is appointed at a time. On a vacancy in the office of Public Advocate, the Associate Advocate shall assume this role and a new Associate shall be appointed.

The sound system curators are responsible for maintaining the sound equipment, making recommendations to the Selectboard for the purchase of new equipment, and regulating the use of equipment at their discretion.

The Commission responsibilities include: promulgating and enforcing the Town Meeting regulations regarding fire, motor vehicles, firearms and pets; seeing that adequate fire prevention measures are taken by the Community; bringing violations of fire and safety regulations to Community Court for prosecution; and reviewing and recommending new or amended fire and safety regulations to Town Meeting.

The Court shall consist of seven (7) justices: three (3) students, two (2) staff members, and two (2) faculty. Students interested in serving on the Court will submit letters of intent to the Selectboard. Selectboard will then appoint three students at the end of the spring semester for the following academic year. Faculty are appointed for the academic year by the Dean of Faculty. Staff members are appointed for the academic year by the Dean of Students. Staff members who already participate in the Community Conduct process, including the appeals process, or who have campus psychological or health responsibilities shall be ineligible to serve on the Court. At the end of the Spring semester, Town Meeting shall also elect a Court Clerk for a term of one year.