
The Town Meeting of the Marlboro College Community shall follow, in general, the form of the New England Town Meeting, and shall have the power to legislate in the following matters:

  1. It shall have the power to make recommendations to both the administration and the faculty in all areas other than those under its jurisdiction. It shall elect representatives who shall attend appropriate faculty meetings.
  2. It shall formulate and enforce rulings in matters of conduct and safety, as well as rulings for the care of property in the College Community.
  3. It shall elect representatives for the purpose of participating in the formulations and policies relating to the work program.
  4. It shall have power to organize and maintain work projects of a profit making nature that will not conflict with the overall program of the College.
  5. It shall make decisions concerning recreation, recreational facilities, and social programs, in accordance with the general plan of the College.
  6. It has final authority in the disposition of the Community Activity Fund. Faculty and staff shall not vote on such issues.
  7. It shall establish each year a scholarship fund to be known as the Town Meeting Scholarship Fund. At the last Town Meeting of the academic year a percentage of the Community Activity Fund, which shall not be, less than 10% of the total shall be appropriated for this fund for the next academic year. The Town Meeting reserves the right to establish the guidelines for awarding the scholarship when it establishes the amount to be put into the fund.
  8. It shall have representatives on each policy shaping committee of the faculty.
  9. The Town Meeting shall have the power to review any faculty decision on academic policy. This does not include power to review decisions concerning the standing or status of individual students. At the request of the Board of Selectpersons or following presentation of a petition signed by at least fifteen students to the Board of Selectpersons, the Head Selectperson shall present the faculty decision to the Town Meeting. Town Meeting disapproval of such a decision by a majority of those students present shall be binding: that majority for purposes of disapproval shall consist of at least 20% of the student body. Such Town Meeting action must take place within two (2) weeks of term time of the faculty decision being challenged. The faculty may, in Faculty Meeting, overrule the Town Meeting in such a case and reaffirm the original decision by a vote of two thirds of those faculty present at that Faculty Meeting.
  10. Town Meeting may overrule by a majority vote any action by the Board of Selectpersons.
  11. The Spore Amendment‖ (15 April 1968):
    1. Town Meeting shall not establish religion or prohibit the free exercise thereof.
    2. Town Meeting shall not abridge freedom of speech or of the press.
    3. Town Meeting shall not abridge the right of its members to assemble peaceably or to petition it for redress of grievances.
    4. Town Meeting shall not require conformity of personal political opinion to any community standard; it shall neither establish nor support collective political opinion on matters beyond those enumerated in the Allocation of Powers.
  12. Town Meeting shall make decisions concerning appropriations from the Washer/Dryer Fund. No more than 5%, measured at the beginning of the academic year, may be withdrawn during the course of the full academic year without a two thirds majority of Town Meeting vote with the exception of the work coordinators’ budget.
  13. Town Meeting embraces the college’s environmental mission statement and the environmental ethic that it describes. This ethic shall be taken into consideration in all decisions made by Town Meeting, and by Town Meeting committees and other subsidiary bodies.

This grant of authority to the Town Meeting by the faculty rests on a general assumption that a code of civilized behavior, suitable to adult citizens of a democratic community, will be followed by all members of the Marlboro College Community.

The College Community shall include students, faculty, staff and their spouses, kitchen staff regularly assigned to Marlboro College, and trustees when present. The Moderator may extend to visiting associates and alumni full privileges while they are at Marlboro College.

The Officers of the Town Meeting shall be:

  1. Moderator: Shall be elected for a term of one (1) academic semester. Elections for said office shall be held at the last Town Meeting of the preceding semester.
  2. Selectpersons:
    1. Selectpersons shall be elected as follows:
      1. Nominations for a Head Selectperson Elect shall be taken at or before the second to last scheduled Town Meeting of the fall semester, and posted for the week following. Elections shall be held on the first three (3) days of the following week, supervised by the Board of Selectpersons, using the alternative ballot as follows: Voters are asked to indicate their first, second, and third preference for Head Selectperson by indicating each with ―1, ―2, or ―3, before each name, respectively. The tallying of these votes will proceed in the following fashion: If one nominee achieves a true majority in the first tally of all votes marked ―1, they are declared the next Head Selectperson. If not, then that nominee with the least ―1 votes is dropped from the race, and the ―2 preferences on those ballots are then observed in a second tally of all votes. This process of canceling those votes belonging to that nominee with the least votes in each tally, and applying the next preference indicated on each of those ballots to the other nominee continues until one nominee gains a true majority of the vote. Upon request, Selectpersons shall provide absentee ballots. The results shall be posted as soon as possible. The Head Selectperson Elect will automatically become the new Head Selectperson at the start of the Spring Semester, with the intervening period serving as a training session for the position.
      2. Nominations for six Selectpersons shall be taken at the last Town Meeting of the spring semester. Elections shall be held on the first three (3) days of the following week, and be supervised by the departing Board of Selectpersons.
    2. Terms of Selectpersons shall be one (1) full year. A Selectperson may be re elected.
    3. Should a Selectperson resign from their position, a substitute shall be elected as soon as possible, following the pattern of the Australian ballot, to fulfill the responsibility of the departing Selectperson for the remainder of the term of office of the departing Selectperson.
    4. In the event of the incapacity of the Head Selectperson, as determined by the Dean and the Board of Selectpersons, the Board of Selectpersons shall call a special Town Meeting to take nominations for the position of Acting Head Selectperson. Nominations shall be posted for a period of forty eight (48) hours after Town Meeting, at the end of which time an election shall be held. This election, supervised by the Board of Selectpersons, will take place by alternative ballot and checklist. Upon request, Selectpersons shall provide absentee ballots. The result shall be posted immediately. During the forty eight (48) hour interim, immediately upon pronouncement by the Board of Selectpersons of the incapacity of the Head Selectperson, the Treasurer shall assume responsibility as Chairman of the Board of Selectpersons with the power only to organize the Board’s own business and to act as liaison between the Board and the Dean’s office. The duly elected Acting Head Selectperson will assume all the powers and responsibilities of the Head Selectperson designated under Section III, B. 5 7 of the Constitution until the Board of Selectpersons and the Dean pronounce the Head Selectperson capable of assuming their duties.
    5. The functions of the Selectpersons include:
      1. The leadership of the Community, with a view to its general well being;
      2. Responsibility for the proper exercise of those powers which have formally been delegated to the Community Government;
      3. Representation for the interests of the students to the faculty, the officers of the administration, and other bodies;
      4. Advising and counseling individuals as may seem appropriate;
      5. Maintenance of pleasant and hygienic conditions on campus;
      6. Enforcement of Community Bylaws.
    6. The Board of Selectpersons shall:
      1. Meet regularly at announced times while the College is in session; provide opportunity for any member of the Community to discuss matters with the Board;
      2. Summon and attend Town Meetings and prepare agenda and report on the doings of the Board;
      3. Attend open meetings of the Board of Trustees and the faculty;
      4. Meet with officers of the administration at least every other week while the College is in session;
      5. Cooperate with the Dean of Students in the orientation of new students;
      6. Meet with the Dean’s office personnel to decide issues of rooming priority;
      7. Solicit applications and, with the consent of the Director of Plant and Operations, appoint one (1) student to serve as head of the Fire and Safety Commission;
      8. Appoint auditors to examine and report upon the form of the accounts of the Community Activities Fund;
      9. Recommend a Student Activities Fee to the last Town Meeting of the year;
      10. Insure that all elections within the Community take place at the time and in the manner stipulated;
      11. Attend any dormitory meetings at the request of the residents;
        Act as Grand Jury in the presentation of Community charges against individuals before the Court. (Note: A Grand Jury is convened at the request of a Public Advocate);
      12. Supervise and appoint, for an indefinite term (after consultation with the President, the Dean of Students, and the Director of Plant and Operations), a Crew Chief for the Dining Hall, whom the College shall pay an appropriate stipend (similar to the highest work grant). See Article VI of the Bylaws;
      13. Have the right to declare any non member of the Community persona non grata and deny visiting privileges to that person for a stated period as outlined in Article IX: Guest Policy.
      14. Cooperate with the Fire Chief in matters of fire safety;
      15. Be responsible for the allotment of the PA system;
      16. Appoint a representative of Selectboard to attend Senior Team meetings.
    7. The Head Selectperson shall have a special position of leadership and general responsibility for the well being of the Community as a whole.
  3. Nominations for a Treasurer Elect shall be taken at or before the second to last Town Meeting of the spring semester. The Treasurer Elect will automatically become the new Treasurer after Commencement, when they will become Treasurer for a term of one year. The Treasurer shall:
    1. Maintain the accounts of the Community Activities Fund and submit them to the auditors/Financial Officers of the College to be audited at the end of each semester;
    2. Obtain the advice of the auditors/Financial Officers of the College as to the form of the accounts;
    3. Maintain an inventory of all durable equipment acquired by the Community, with an account of its present estimated value, and a list of the names of those responsible for its safekeeping;
    4. Render to the Town Meeting an account of the current state of the Community Activities Fund at the request of two (2) members of the Community, provided that forty eight (48) hours notice of the request shall have been given;
    5. Obtain from the Student Accounts Office, as needed, the proceeds of the Student Activities Fee, according to the appropriations made by the Town Meeting, and obtain receipts from the recipients;
    6. Obtain from the Chairperson of the Community Committees their requests for appropriations for the coming academic year, not later than the 7th of May; and to add them to their own requests for washing machines, etc., expenditure and miscellaneous items, including charity and other causes not directly related to the well being of the Community; and transmit the whole budget to the Board of Selectpersons for its approval and for the setting of a Student Activities Fee;
    7. Receive from the Clerk of the Court, the Crew Chief, the Fire Chief, and from all others through whose hands receipts due to the Community Activities Fund pass, such sums as are due, and give receipts for them;
    8. Examine all requests for supplementary appropriations not specified in the budget, and place them on the agenda of a Town Meeting with or without their endorsement. They shall not be authorized to pay money from the Community Activities Fund unless the appropriation has been so placed upon the agenda, except in those cases where, by the ruling of the Moderator, a situation of extreme emergency has arisen;
    9. Be bonded for $3,000. The Treasurer may, after consulting with the Selectboard if possible and at his or her own financial risk, make disbursements of up to $3,000 from the Community Activities Fund in emergencies when in their opinion such disbursement may reasonably be expected to be validated at the next Town Meeting. The Treasurer shall inform the Selectboard of such a disbursement at the next Selectboard meeting;
    10. Receive an expense account equal in amount to their Student Activities Fee;
    11. Serve as member of the Board of Selectpersons;
    12. Inform the community about Budget and Committee Spending at the end of each semester;
    13. Be authorized to sign checks only between Fall Enrollment and Commencement. The Treasurer shall submit all unwritten checks to the Financial Officers of the College by June to be held until Fall Enrollment;
    14. Have all accounts balanced and ready to be audited by Commencement;
    15. Be authorized to sign checks only when they are not the recipient of the check or the check is not made out to cash. When either of these conditions is necessary, it shall be signed by the Head Selectperson;
    16. Train the Treasurer Elect.
  4. Nominations for a Clerk Elect shall be taken at or before the second to last Town Meeting of the spring semester. The Clerk Elect will automatically become the new Town Meeting Clerk after Commencement, when they will become Clerk for a term of one year. The Clerk shall:
    1. Serve as a member of the Board of Selectpersons;
    2. Keep minutes for the Selectpersons;
    3. Keep the minutes for the Town Meeting. Post a list of the Offices and Officers of the Town Meeting, the Committees and their Chairpersons and membership, any proposed amendments to the Constitution, Bylaws, or announcements so designated by the Town Meeting or the procedures of Town Meeting.;
    4. Update and maintain online content relating to Town Meeting and the Selectboard;
    5. Ensure that all changes to the Bylaws and/or the Community Constitution are incorporated, before the following Town Meeting, into an electronic medium accessible to students, faculty, and staff.
  5. Selectpersons, Clerk, and Treasurer shall constitute a permanent body to meet with the faculty, staff, or trustees in matters involving the question of jurisdiction. Selectpersons, Clerk and Treasurer may be recalled by a petition signed by two thirds of the student body, followed by a two thirds vote of Town Meeting. An Officer shall have at least one (1) week’s notice.
  6. Advocates:
    1. Two Advocates from the Town Meeting shall be appointed by the Board of Selectpersons to work with the Coordinator of Student Conduct to protect the integrity of the Community. Together with the Coordinator, the Advocates will be responsible for: initiating Community Conduct cases presented to them by other members of the Community; the correct writing of charges; making an effort to settle cases; and for ensuring that Respondents have been advised of their rights.
    2. Upon appointment, the Advocates shall meet with the Coordinator of Student Conduct to review their responsibilities in the Community Conduct process. The Associate Advocate shall assist the Public Advocate in every Community Court case. A Special Advocate, with full responsibilities of the Public Advocate, shall be appointed by the Board of Selectpersons if they and the Associate Advocate refuse a case.
    3. Each Advocate shall be appointed as Associate Advocate to a one year term. Appointments shall be made at the start of each semester, and only one Associate Advocate shall be appointed at a time. On a vacancy in the office of Public Advocate, the Associate Advocate shall assume this role and a new Associate shall be appointed.
  7. The Town Crier shall announce lectures, concerts and other performances or events that concern the Marlboro Community. They are responsible for providing the Community with (1) a set schedule of when and where announcements will take place, and (2) a substitute Crier is unavailable or off campus at one of the scheduled announcement times. The Town Crier may add to their duties as they see fit. All announcements must be presented to the Town Crier in typed or written form before the appropriate announcement times. The Town Crier will be nominated at the last Town Meeting of each spring semester and will be elected by Australian ballot for a term of one year.
  8. Work Coordinators:
    1. The work coordinators shall oversee and organize voluntary work on campus. They shall:
      1. work with the Director of Plant and Operations, the Director of the Outdoor Program, the Farm Manager, the Selectboard and other groups to maintain a public list of available tasks;
      2. arrange times, materials, and work crews for these tasks to be completed;
      3. maintain a public sign up sheet for volunteers;
      4. coordinate at least one workday each semester;
      5. report in every Town Meeting.
    2. There shall be two work coordinators. Each work coordinator shall be elected by Town Meeting for a term of one year. The terms shall be staggered, one beginning at the start of the fall semester and the other at the start of the spring semester.
    3. The work coordinators shall have a budget of not less than $1000 per year and not more than $2000 per year, taken from the Washer/Dryer fund.
  1. There shall be at least three (3) business meetings each year, one for the purpose of orientation in September, one for mid year reports from all Committees in January, and one to approve the Town Meeting budget for the following year in April. Supplementary meetings may be held by decision of the Selectpersons or by petition of fifteen (15) students. A meeting shall be called within two (2) weeks of the presentation of a petition to the Selectpersons, providing that the petition be presented sufficiently in advance to allow posting of a twenty four hour (24) warning of the meeting to the Community.
  2. A quorum is the number of members present unless the decision to implement or transact such business requires a percentile or fixed number of the Community.

The Community Conduct process is intended to ensure that community members abide by the rules and bylaws established under the allocation of powers to Town Meeting in Section I. Any member of the community may bring charges of violations of the bylaws to the Public Advocate and the Coordinator of Student Conduct for a Hearing; ordinarily cases will be processed through the Dean of Students’ Office (Dean) as Incident Reports (IR) generated by Student Life staff. The Coordinator will, whenever appropriate and in consultation with the Dean of Students, attempt to settle minor cases informally by seeking an agreement among parties. The Advocate and Coordinator will conduct a preliminary investigation of the complaint. A person charged (Respondent) with violations of the bylaws will meet with the Public Advocate (appointed by the Board of Selectpersons) and the Coordinator of Student Conduct (appointed by the Dean of Students). The rights of the Respondent, the charges, and the range of possible sanctions will be explained in writing. Cases brought by Student Life staff, including Resident Assistants, will always begin in the Administrative Hearing; in all other cases a Respondent can choose to have their case processed through Community Court or an Administrative Hearing. In all cases, if the Respondent takes responsibility for the violation and harmed parties are willing to participate, they can choose to have their case go through a Restorative Justice conference. If there are multiple Respondents, each Respondent can make their own choice, among the processes available to them, regarding the process by which their case will be resolved. Should a case brought before the Coordinator create the appearance of a conflict of interest, or if the Coordinator cannot fulfill their duties, the Dean, at their discretion, may fulfill the functions of the Coordinator or may appoint a temporary Coordinator. The Dean will have sole discretion in whether to appoint a temporary Coordinator. Administrative Hearings cannot result in suspension or expulsion. If the Coordinator determines, either during or at the conclusion of an Administrative Hearing, that suspension or expulsion may be warranted, the Coordinator will take the case to the Community Court as the Complainant as described below.

    1. The Court shall consist of seven (7) justices: three (3) students, two (2) staff members, and two (2) faculty. Students interested in serving on the Court will submit letters of intent to the Selectboard. Selectboard will then appoint three students at the end of the spring semester for the following academic year. Faculty are appointed for the academic year by the Dean of Faculty. Staff members are appointed for the academic year by the Dean of Students. Staff
      members who already participate in the Community Conduct process, including the appeals process, or who have campus psychological or health responsibilities shall be ineligible to serve on the Court. At the end of the Spring semester, Town Meeting shall also elect a Court Clerk for a term of one year. The Dean of Students will ensure that a comprehensive training will take place regularly for the members of the Court. Cases will be heard by all seven justices, or their replacements as necessary. Decisions are ordinarily arrived at by consensus, but if consensus is not reached, the decision is by a majority.
    2. Community Court Parties: The following is a list of the various people who may be involved in a Community Court case. Should a case brought before the Court create the appearance of a conflict of interest for a justice, they will recuse themselves. If a student justice recuses themself or be unable to fulfill their responsibilities on the Court, they will be replaced by another student appointed by Selectboard. Should a faculty justice recuse themself or be unable to fulfill their responsibilities on the Court, they will be replaced by another faculty member appointed by the Dean of Faculty. Should a staff justice recuse themselves or be unable to fulfill their responsibility on the Court, they will be replaced by another staff member appointed by the Dean of Students.
      1. Presiding Officer: The Court shall appoint (1) of its members as Presiding Officer. The function of the Presiding Officer is to move the court process through the agenda and to answer procedural questions. They may do so in consultation with the other members of the Court, either in open session or in private.
      2. Complainant: The Complainant is the individual(s) who brings a charge that initiates the Community Conduct process. When the Coordinator refers a case to Community Court, the Coordinator will become the Complainant on behalf of the community.
      3. Public Advocate/Associate Advocate: The Public Advocate and the Associate Advocate together with the Coordinator of Student Conduct, are responsible for the correct writing of charges in accordance with the Handbook, for proper investigation (i.e. gathering sufficient evidence), and for assuring that the accused has been advised of their rights.
      4. Respondent: The Respondent is the individual against whom the Complainant is bringing a charge. This person has the right to have a Consultant present.
      5. Consultant to the Respondent: The Consultant to the Respondent may be any member of the Marlboro College community. The role of the Consultant is to advise and support the Respondent, which may include suggesting a question on behalf of the Respondent, helping to prepare their defense, and providing general support. The Respondent may pause the proceedings at any point either to speak with or to dismiss the Consultant.
      6. Head Selectperson or their designee: the Head Selectperson, by virtue of their special position of leadership and general responsibility for the well being of the Community as a whole, may be present at Community Court Hearings, or may designate someone to perform this role.
      7. Dean of Students: The Dean of Students or the Dean’s designee are also present at Community Court Hearings as a resource, to provide information on past cases, procedures, or sanctions, and to consult with the Court on sanctions that will require their supervision. The Dean of Students also maintains a confidential file of all Court proceedings.
      8. Coordinator of Student Conduct: The Coordinator of Student Conduct will be present in all proceedings arising out of the Administrative Judicial Procedures. In appeals to sanctions imposed in Administrative Hearings, the Coordinator will be called as a witness. In cases in which the Coordinator or Dean has recommended suspension or expulsion, the Coordinator will be the Complainant.
      9. Witnesses: Witnesses may be called by either the Complainant or the Respondent. They may either provide direct information about an event or serve as a character witness. Their testimony will be coordinated before the Hearing by the Public Advocate and Associate Advocate.
      10. Court Clerk: The Court Clerk keeps a written record of both open and closed Hearings (but not of the deliberations). These records are kept by the Dean of Students in a confidential file. The Court Clerk shall also distribute the record and a copy of any sentencing statement to all appropriate parties to the Hearing.
    3. The Court at its discretion may declare the Hearing open, but Hearings are normally closed. The Court normally respects the wishes of the Respondent as to whether the Hearing should be open. Should the Respondent request an open Hearing and the Court agree, the Respondent, if a student, must sign a FERPA waiver provided by the Dean of Students, allowing any and all community members to hear the proceedings of the case. At any point during the proceedings in an open case, the Respondent may ask the Court to close the Hearing.
    4. All court Hearings will begin with a statement of the charges, an overview of the material to be presented, and a list of those to testify. The Respondent may rebut or comment upon the charges immediately, plead guilty, or wait until all the testimony has been heard. The Respondent has the right to hear or see all the evidence presented against them. Witnesses are normally present only for their own testimony, but may be allowed to stay if the Respondent so elects. Only the Court or Public Advocate may question witnesses directly. After the witnesses have been heard, the Head Selectperson, the Dean, the Consultant to the Respondent, and finally the Respondent may address the Court as they see fit. The Head Selectperson may articulate for the Court the impact on the Community of the alleged actions. The Dean often uses this opportunity to restate the seriousness of the alleged action. In cases where the penalty is not specified by the bylaws, the Dean will bring previous, similar cases and their penalties, to the attention of the Court for consideration as precedents.
      1. The deliberations of the Court are conducted in private and are strictly confidential. The Court shall determine its verdict before any discussion of penalty.
      2. When a decision is rendered and sanction(s) imposed, an explanation will be provided in writing with the rationale for the decision, both to clarify the decision for the Respondent and to clarify the basis for future precedent or the reason for departing from past precedent. In the event that the sentence proposed will require the supervision of the Dean of Students (as, for instance, in all cases of suspension, expulsion, or any form of social probation), the Court shall confer with the Dean of Students before announcing the sentence, to insure that the details of the execution of its sentence are both clear and practical. The Respondent is not normally present for such consultation, but may be allowed to be present at the discretion of the Court. Penalties imposed by the Court are final and effective immediately.
    1. If the Respondent chooses an Administrative Hearing, the Complainant(s) and the Respondent(s) will be notified in writing at least 48 hours before the time of the Hearing. The notification will include the charge(s), a description of the conduct alleged, and an enumeration of the rights of Complainant(s) and Respondent(s) under this policy.
      1. If a full Hearing is required, Respondent(s) will meet with the Coordinator in the Administrative Hearing to settle the case. Respondents can request a written summary of the evidence against them, to be furnished in the Administrative Hearing. Respondent(s) can respond to the charges against them in writing, also to be furnished in the meeting, but are not required to do so. Complainant(s) are not ordinarily present at Administrative Hearings, but may join if both the Coordinator and the Respondent(s) agree to it. Respondent(s) may ask any community member to act as Consultant in the Administrative Hearing. The Consultant will have no formal role in the Hearing.
      2. If the Coordinator cannot fulfill their duties at the Administrative Hearing, or if the Coordinator recuses themselves, the Dean, at their discretion, may conduct the Hearing themselves, or may appoint a temporary Coordinator to conduct the Hearing. Respondent(s) may request a temporary Coordinator in cases of conflict of interest by writing to the Dean at least 24 hours before the scheduled Hearing. The Dean will have sole discretion in whether to appoint a temporary Coordinator.
    2. All Hearings will begin with a statement of the charges, an overview of the material to be presented, and a list of those to testify. The Respondent may rebut or comment upon the charges immediately, plead guilty, or wait until all the testimony has been heard. The Respondent has the right to hear or see all the evidence presented against them. Witnesses are normally present only for their own testimony, but may be allowed to stay if the Respondent so elects and the Coordinator agrees. Only the Coordinator may question witnesses directly.
      1. All Hearings are held in private and are confidential.
      2. At the conclusion of the Administrative Hearing, the Coordinator will determine the appropriate sanction in consultation with the Dean. If the Coordinator determines that suspension or expulsion may be appropriate sanctions, the Coordinator will take the case to Community Court, as Complainant, according to the procedures specified in the “Community Court” section above. When a decision is rendered and sanction(s) imposed, an explanation will be provided in writing to the Respondent with the rationale for the decision. Penalties imposed by the Coordinator are effective immediately.
    1. A Restorative Justice conference is a collaborative decision-making process that includes harmed parties, offenders, and others who are seeking to hold offenders accountable and repair harm. Led by two trained facilitators selected by the Coordinator of Student Conduct, the conference focuses on the facilitated dialogue between the Respondent(s) and harmed parties. After a discussion of the harm, the parties determine what steps the Respondent(s) can take to repair the harm.
    2. The goal of the Restorative Justice Process is to assist Respondent(s) to:
      1. Accept and acknowledge responsibility for their offenses;
      2. To the best of their ability, repair the harm they caused to harmed parties and the community;
      3. Work to rebuild trust by showing understanding of the harm, addressing personal issues, and building positive social connections.
    3. The Dean of Students will ensure a comprehensive training is offered for community members interested in facilitating Restorative Justice conferences and that there is an available pool of trained Restorative Justice facilitators.
    4. If both facilitators determine that the Restorative Justice conference cannot be appropriately resolved, they will refer the Respondent back to the Public Advocate and Coordinator.
  4. Cases will ordinarily be deferred or suspended during a criminal investigation by law enforcement officials, when charges are being brought outside the College, or when the actions alleged are the subject of a civil suit, pending resolution of the outside investigation, case, or suit.
    1. Any defendant who believes that due process has been violated or that the penalty imposed is disproportionate may request that the Dean’s Advisory Committee review the procedures followed in reaching the decision. This request must be made in writing within five (5) working days from the date of the decision. Should the Dean’s Advisory Committee find that due process has been violated or that the penalty seems disproportionate, they shall issue instructions to reconsider the case in light of those findings. Either the Coordinator or Court, whoever heard the original case, may correct any process error and either reach a new verdict, impose a different penalty, or reaffirm the earlier decision, with additional explanation. On appeal, no suspension or expulsion may be imposed until the Dean’s Advisory Committee and the Coordinator or Court (whoever heard the original case) agree. A decided case may be appealed directly to the Coordinator or Court, after consultation with the Advocate and Coordinator, where relevant new evidence arises, provided that such new evidence was clearly unavailable through reasonable investigation at the time of the original Hearing.
    1. Community Conduct Procedures shall address the following:
      1. Violation of the rules promulgated by Town Meeting, including:
        1. Alcohol and Other Drugs: Failure to comply with the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.
        2. Fire Safety: Failure to comply with the College’s Fire Regulations.
        3. Firearms: Failure to comply with the College’s Firearms Regulations.
        4. Smoking: Failure to comply with the College’s Smoking Ban.
        5. Motor Vehicle: Failure to comply with the College’s Motor Vehicle Regulations.
      2. Theft and Vandalism: Misappropriation of personal or College property, or causing damage to personal or College property through negligence or deliberate intent.
      3. Trespassing: Unauthorized entry, use, or occupation of College facilities that are locked, closed, or otherwise restricted as to use.
      4. Bullying and Intimidation: Any electronic, verbal, written, or physical act or series of acts which substantially interferes with a community member’s education, employment, or full participation in the college experience.
      5. Discrimination: Any act or failure to act that is based upon an individual or group’s actual or perceived status included in the College’s non-discrimination statement that limits or denies the ability to participate in or benefit from the College’s educational programs or activities.
      6. Endangerment: Any physical intimidation, act of violence, or conduct which threatens or endangers the health, safety, or well-being of any person or group.
      7. Harassment (non-sexual): Any conduct (physical, verbal, graphic, written, or electronic) that is sufficiently severe, pervasive, or persistent so as to interfere unreasonably with or limit the ability of another individual to participate in or benefit from the activities, programs, and services provided by the College, or has the purpose of creating an intimidating or hostile environment.
      8. Unauthorized Use of Electronic or Other Devices: Making an audio or video record of any person while on College premises without his/her prior knowledge, or without his/her effective consent when such a recording is likely to cause injury or distress. This includes, but is not limited to, surreptitiously taking pictures of another person in any place where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.
      9. Violation of Library Rules.
      10. Conduct Prejudicial to the Best Interests of the College: Any conduct that is considered to be inconsistent with the College’s vision, mission, and expectation for members of the community.
        1. Community Court will have sole jurisdiction over the following:
          1. Contempt of Court.
          2. Interpretation of Town Meeting rules.
          3. Determination of constitutionality of Town Meeting Laws and Bylaws.
    1. The following sanctions, or any combination thereof, may be applied to community member(s) for conduct violations:
      1. Educational: examples include community service, educational projects, presentations, or workshops related to the violation and designed to assist community members in better understanding the impact of their behavior on self and others.
      2. Counseling Assessment/Evaluation: commonly recommended to assist the student in better understanding the personal decisions or emotional issues that contributed to their behavior.
      3. Restitution/Fines: involves the replacement of property or payment for the replacement or repair of property damaged as well as fines assessed
      4. Housing Ban: involves restricting a student from a particular residence hall or all residence halls with the exception of the one in which the student resides.
      5. Housing Relocation: if space is available, a student may be moved to a different room or residence hall.
      6. Housing Probation: means that another violation may result in expulsion from college housing.
      7. Revocation of Housing Privileges: means that the student is removed and banned from college housing.
      8. Social Probation: means that another violation may result in the student being allowed on campus only for academic reasons (e.g. classes, library, meeting with faculty).
      9. Social Restriction: means the student is banned from campus with the exception of classes, library work, or meetings with advisor/faculty.
      10. Suspension: this action results in the involuntary withdrawal of the student from the college, its programs, and facilities for a specified period of time (e.g. semester, academic year).
      11. Expulsion: this action results in the permanent separation of the student from the college, its programs, and facilities.

The Constitution may be amended as follows: The proposed amendments shall be offered and read at one Town Meeting, and acted upon by the next, after an interval of at least one (1) week. The amendment shall be approved by not less than a two thirds majority of those present at said meeting, and by a number of those present equal to not less than thirty percent of the total number of active faculty, staff, and students. In any proceedings which require a vote of thirty percent of the total number of faculty, staff, and students and in which the faculty will not vote because the issue is to come before the Faculty Meeting, the thirty percent requirement will be reduced to a number equal to thirty percent of the total number of students and staff.

Other Community matters shall be regulated by Bylaws passed by a majority of the Town Meeting. The amendment or repeal of a Bylaw may be proposed at one meeting, but may not be voted upon until the following meeting.


  1. The Fire and Safety Commission will be composed of six (6) members: the Dean of Students or their delegate; the Director of Plant and Operations (Maintenance); the College’s Master Electrician; a Fire Chief appointed by the Select Board with the consent of the Director of Plant and Operations; and two Deputy Fire Chiefs appointed by the other members of the Commission.
    1. The Fire Chief shall be compensated by a salary equivalent to a current student employment position consisting of ten hours a week. This will be paid from the Town Meeting budget.
    2. The Fire Deputies shall each be compensated by a salary equivalent to a current student employment position consisting of five hours a week. This will be paid from the Fire and Safety Commission’s fund if the fund has enough money at the beginning of the school year to pay the Fire Deputies for the year and from the Town Meeting budget if the fund does not have sufficient funds to do so.
    3. The Fire Chief will serve as Chairman of the Commission;
    4. The Fire Chief or one of their deputies will be on duty during all non-business hours. The person on duty must be on campus, in Cottage Land, in Whittemore or Red House, or at Marlboro North, and will respond to any fire alarms. The Fire Chief must live in college housing;
    5. The Fire Chief shall be trained in CPR and first aid;
    6. Appointments to the Commission will be made annually in the spring;
    7. The Appointing Authority will have the power to remove for cause or to replace a Commission member;
    8. The Commission may hold open or closed meetings at its discretion;
  2. The Commission will promulgate and enforce the Town Meeting regulations regarding fire, motor vehicles, firearms, and pets;
  3. The Commission will see that adequate fire prevention measures are taken by the Community.
  4. The Commission can submit any case of violation to Community Court. Serious violations of municipal, state, or federal law can be brought to the criminal justice system.
  5. The Commission will review all pieces of proposed legislation concerning fire prevention, motor vehicles, firearms, and pets that are to come before Town Meeting and give its recommendations. The Commission may also initiate legislation.

  1. It will be unlawful to:
    1. Disobey the Fire Chief, their deputies, or members of the Fire and Safety Commission in matters regarding fires, fire safety, or fire drills;
    2. Park within a thirty foot radius of a fire hydrant, or in any other established and posted fire lane;
    3. Tamper with or misuse any fire equipment or electrical fixtures;
    4. Remove or use any fire equipment, including the extension ladders around the Dining Hall, without express permission of the Fire and Safety Commission;
    5. Use candles or any type of open flame burners, or store flammable liquids or chemicals (except alcohol under 100 proof) in dormitories, except when approved by the Fire Chief during an emergency;
    6. Use any electric appliances with exposed heating elements such as space heaters, hot plates, or toaster ovens;
    7. Use any non-metal wastebaskets;
    8. Possess or use all fireworks deemed illegal by the state of Vermont on college property;
    9. Turn in a false alarm;
    10. Cause a fire alarm through negligence or easily avoidable circumstances.
  2. The Fire Chief and their deputies are empowered to enforce these regulations. All violations will lead to the initiation of a Community Conduct process. A determination of guilty in cases under subsection A-H will result in a fine of not less than $50.00 or a work job as the Coordinator or a Restorative Justice conference see fit. Those found guilty of violating subsection I will pay a fine of not less than $150.00 to the Volunteer Fire Company of the Town of Marlboro. Those found guilty of violating subsection J will pay a fine of not less $100.00 to the Volunteer Fire Company of the Town of Marlboro.
  3. Fines accumulated through violations of the fire regulations will be deposited in the Fire Department Fund.
  4. Fire regulations will be posted in each dormitory and members of the Community will be responsible for informing their guests of these regulations.
  5. The Administration and Town Meeting shall institute changes to Fire Regulations to conform to the instruction of insurance inspectors, the State Fire Marshall’s Office, and similar outside authorities.
  6. All fines shall be paid within two (2) weeks of their being levied. If fines are not paid within two (2) weeks, the case will lead to the initiation of a Community Conduct process.
  1. It shall be unlawful to:
    1. Exceed the campus speed limit of 10 mph in any vehicle;
    2. Drive off established roads of the campus without permission of the Director of Plant and Operations;
    3. Drive while intoxicated;
    4. Drive a motorcycle or other motorized two-wheeled vehicle on the campus without helmets worn by all persons on the vehicle;
    5. Drive the vehicle of another person without that person’s explicit consent.
  2. It is prohibited for any vehicle at any time to park:
    1. Within a thirty foot radius of a fire hydrant;
    2. In designated handicapped parking zones, except by vehicles displaying handicapped license plates or having a temporary handicap permit issued by the Fire Chief, the Director of Plant and Operations, or the THC;
    3. So as to obstruct or inhibit access to campus buildings or roadways.
    4. Vehicles found in violation of the above regulations may be towed at the owner’s expense.
  3. Students living in dormitories on the main campus shall park their vehicles in either the Back Lots located behind Whittemore Theater or the lot across from Persons Auditorium. Vehicles may be brought on campus for loading or unloading as necessary. In this event hazard lights must be used.
  4. Commuters (students, faculty and staff) shall park in the Lower Theater Lot. The lot across from Persons Auditorium may also be used if desired or in the event of insufficient space in the Lower Theater Lot. There shall be no parking in the Lower Theater Lot between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m.
  5. Those visiting the college either through Admissions or on other official College business may park in the Visitor’s lot during the daytime hours provided their vehicles display a temporary visitor’s parking pass. All visitors must check in at Admissions or the Reception Desk. Commuters may park their vehicles in the Visitor’s lot after business hours and during the weekend. No one may park in the Visitor’s lot between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. Vehicles in violation of the above are subject to immediate towing, preferably to the Person’s lot.
  6. Only College owned vehicles may park behind Mather House.
  7. Persons who live in on campus housing whose duties might require their using their vehicles in an emergency (SLCs, Safety Officer, among others) may park near their buildings. Cars displaying Marlboro Volunteer Fire Company license plates may park in any designated parking space on campus. Special permits will be made available to persons (disabled, contractors, etc.) as necessary. These permits will be provided by Plant and Operations or the Fire and Safety Commission. One will not issue permits without notifying the other. The Fire and Safety Commission may authorize other people or entities, such as the THC, to issue permits in its name.
  8. All vehicles will display a college registration sticker in the lower left hand corner of all faculty, staff, or student vehicles.
  9. Fines: Motor vehicles in violation of these regulations may be ticketed by members of the Fire and Safety Commission. With the approval of the Selectboard, the Fire and Safety Commission may designate other community members to enforce these regulations. Fines for each violation shall be equal to the value of two hours of the state minimum wage and will be charged to the community member’s account. Fines are payable to the accounting office. Eighty (80) percent of revenue from such fines shall be allocated to the Fire and Safety Commission for the improvement of community safety. Ten (10) percent of revenue shall be held by the Selectboard, to be used for Work Day projects. Ten (10) percent of revenue shall be allocated to the Plant and Operations, to be spent on improvements to the college van service and for the purchase and maintenance of equipment and supplies. The Fire and Safety Commission shall be responsible for presenting a clear budget to the Selectboard no less than twice a semester.
    1. Registered vehicles: Any member of the community who accumulates more than three (3) parking tickets within one academic year will have all of their vehicles banned from campus. The Fire and Safety Commission will notify individuals in writing that their vehicles are banned from campus, and the vehicles will be banned for 120 days in which college housing is open to all students, beginning on the date of written notification. Upon notification, banned vehicles parked at any campus location other than the Persons Lot may be towed at the owner’s expense or their owners fined an amount equivalent to the cost of towing.
    2. Unregistered vehicles: The Fire and Safety Commission may immobilize or tow any unregistered vehicle.
    3. Members of the Fire and Safety Commission may immobilize, through use of a boot, any vehicle the Commission finds it necessary to tow, as per the regulations in the Bylaws, until the tow truck arrives. A booted vehicle will be clearly marked to prevent the owner from damaging it.
  10. No student may own or maintain more than two (2) motor vehicles on campus.
  11. Vehicles and engines may not be placed or operated in any college building without the explicit permission of the Director of Plant and Operations and the Director of Housing and Residential Life.
  12. Off-campus complaints from residents of Windham County may lead to the initiation of a Community Conduct process.
  13. Individuals contracted to work for the corporation of Marlboro College are considered by Article III to be commuters and staff. Contracted workers are liable for all consequences of their violation of Article III. It is the responsibility of the hiring authority to inform contracted workers of their obligation to these Bylaws.

The Plant and Operations staff, in consultation with the Fire and Safety Committee, will establish a clearly marked and advertised Safety Zone.

  1. It shall be unlawful to:
    1. Discharge firearms on college property within the Safety Zone;
    2. Carry or possess loaded or unloaded firearms on college property within the Safety Zone;
    3. Possess explosives or ammunition on college property within the Safety Zone.
  2. Violations of the Statutes of the State of Vermont with respect to firearms, by the students of Marlboro College, may be considered as violations of the Firearms Regulations of Town Meeting.
  3. Disciplinary action for violation of the above regulations may be determined by a Community Conduct process.
  4. The President or their designee may move to immediately bar any violator of the Firearms Regulations from campus pending a Community Conduct process.
  5. Those community members who wish to have firearms may be referred to the Director of Plant and Operations as to where to store their firearms off campus.
  1. For the purposes of this article:
    1. Service animals are defined as dogs (and sometimes miniature horses) that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task an animal has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Animals whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The on-campus rights of service animals are protected under the ADA.
    2. Assistance animals are defined as an animal that works by providing emotional support that alleviates one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person’s disability. An assistance animal is not a pet. The on-campus rights of assistance animals are protected under the Fair Housing Act.
    3. Pets are defined as a domestic or tamed animal or bird kept for companionship or pleasure and treated with care and affection. The on-campus rights of pets are not protected by federal legislation.
  2. Animals will not be allowed on campus, in the cabins, cottages, or student apartments except under the following conditions:
    1. Service and assistance animals will be permitted on campus when deemed a reasonable accommodation for a student by the ADA Committee. When such an accommodation is made the Director of Housing and Residential Life will be notified.
    2. All community members who are required to live on campus as a condition of their status as full time student, employment, or for whom compensation in the form of room and board is required by the financial necessity of the College, may keep pets under the following conditions
  3. Standards of Service and Assistance Animal Owner Conduct
    1. Regardless of the circumstances, the pet owner is ultimately responsible for the actions of the animal;
    2. All dogs must wear identification and current rabies vaccination tags at all times. It is recommended that cats also wear these tags;
    3. All pets must live with their owners;
    4. Visiting pets are not allowed to stay overnight on campus, unless approved in advance by the Fire and Safety Commission;
    5. All animals must be housebroken before arriving on campus. Pets and assistance animals are not allowed inside academic buildings, administration buildings, the dining hall, the gym, upstairs in the campus center, or the library. Any exception to this must be granted by the Fire and Safety Commission. All animals must be on a leash at all times, and all animals must be under vocal command. Under no circumstances are animals allowed to run around outside unsupervised. Dogs may run off leash in the following off leash areas: Zimmerman Field (the Soccer Field) and Maintenance Hill (Below the Visitor’s Parking lot). Pets are not permitted in residence hall bathrooms;
    6. Owners must clean up after their pets;
    7. All dogs and cats must be neutered;
    8. All dogs must be licensed by the Town of Marlboro;
    9. Maintenance staff may choose to not enter a room if a pet is inside. Pet owners should call the Maintenance Department to make arrangements in this case.
    10. Owner negligence or mistreatment of an animal will not be tolerated. In the case of negligence or mistreatment, the Fire and Safety Commission reserves the right to place owners on probation or remove animals from the care of the owner if needed. The Fire and Safety Commission will have the authority to remove any animal left unattended for more than twenty four (24) hours, except in instances where the animal’s life is in immediate danger. In those instances, the Fire and Safety Commission may remove the animal immediately. The Fire and Safety Commission will work with the Animal Control Officer of the Town of Marlboro in cases where an animal may need to be removed from campus and/or to investigate cases of abuse and/or neglect.
    11. Animals attacking other animals or humans will not be tolerated. The Fire and Safety Commission reserves the right to ban animals from campus in the case of violent behavior toward other animals or humans.
    12. Failure to comply with this policy and/or requests of the Fire and Safety Commission may result in a $300 fine, a Community Conduct process, or additional action deemed necessary by the College. All fines collected for violation of these standards will be contributed to the Shelter Fund or the Windham County Humane Society.
    13. The Fire and Safety Commission must be informed before the pets appear on campus;
    14. Any community member wishing to lodge a complaint concerning an on-campus animal based on health hazards, property damage, annoyance, neglect, abuse, or failure to comply with the above conditions should bring those complaints to the Fire and Safety Commission on an individual basis.
  4. Off-campus students, staff, and faculty members who occasionally must bring their pets on campus must first obtain clearance from the Fire and Safety Commission. They must maintain the pet under direct control whenever the pet is on campus. The privilege of bringing a pet to campus granted to off-campus students, faculty, and staff may be revoked if the behavior or presence of the pet is judged by the Fire and Safety Commission to be a nuisance.

The Dining Hall Crew Chief(s), hired by the Selectboard, will be responsible for ensuring that the dining hall is a healthy and welcoming place in which to eat. This includes maintaining a system for the return of dishes, mugs and so on that are taken from the Dining Hall. The Crew Chief(s) will serve one semester. The Chief(s) will be supervised by the Selectboard and paid $2000 per semester ($975 from the Town Meeting Budget and $1025 from the Alumni/Development Office).

  1. One Chief must be on duty after every scheduled meal in the dining hall. In the event that a Crew Chief is not available to supervise the cleaning of the Dining Hall after a meal, they must designate a replacement. This replacement will be compensated by the Crew Chief(s).
  2. The Chief on duty may solicit participation in the cleaning from members of the community. This may be done in any manner the Crew Chief(s) sees fit except by illegal or immoral means. The Chief(s) may form and maintain dining hall crews appointed from all students on meal plan, staff, and faculty. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Crew Chief.
  3. If the Chief(s) choose to assign students on meal plan, staff, or faculty to dining hall crew duty, they must inform them in writing (email is also acceptable) at least one week before they are expected to serve. Additional notification measures may be used and are encouraged.
  4. The Crew Chief(s) on duty is expected to educate those who are cleaning about the location of cleaning equipment and the cleaning routine.
  5. The Crew Chief(s) are required to meet with Selectboard on a monthly basis to ensure successful completion of the position’s requirements. It is a responsibility of the position to arrange that meeting.
  6. The Crew Chief(s) is ultimately responsible for meeting these requirements and the requirements listed under section D of this article.

C. Seniors on plan are exempt from serving on Dining Hall Crew. However, seniors who missed their shift when they were second semester juniors will still be responsible for making up the shift as described in Section D, clause 5.

D. Crew Responsibilities:

    1. The Dining Hall Crew must begin cleaning the dining hall no later than fifteen (15) minutes after every meal;
    2. Every dining table must be cleared of dishes and trash and wiped down with warm water and a cleaning solution such as soap or bleach. Personal belongings left in the dining area should be placed on the lost and found table. All chairs should be pushed in and the room should be generally tidy;
    3. The Dining Hall Crew is responsible for collecting and replacing dish-bins from various locations around campus as directed by the Crew Chief.
    4. After some meals, hired or work study crews clean the dining hall floors. After these meals, the Dining Hall Crew shall gather up the salt and pepper shakers and stack all folding chairs on the dining tables;
    5. The Dining Hall Crew is not responsible for cleaning the dining hall after community dinners and other community activities held in the dining hall;
    6. Community members who do not come to their shift during a semester are responsible for making up the shift within two weeks time while classes are in session according to the official Academic Calendar. Their responsibilities will be determined by the sensible discretion of the Crew Chief(s);
    7. If a Community member fails to make up their shift as described in Article VI, Section D, clause 5, they will be subject to a penalty of three (3) hours of community service.
      1. Penalties outlined in this clause may be appealed to the Community Court through the Public Advocate or Coordinator of Student Conduct.

E. Use of the dining hall for community activities must be cleared with the Dining Hall Crew Chief(s). A sponsor for the activity must sign up with the Chief(s) to secure the time and to insure that an organized group will set up before and clean up after the activity.

  1. In order to ensure the most fair and efficient use of the Library’s resources, the following types of library materials will not circulate and must remain within the library building at all times:
    1. Periodicals;
    2. Reference books;
    3. Student plans;
    4. Individually specified items in the Special Collections.
  2. Library users are expected to respect the needs of others for a clean, quiet, study environment. People using any of the Library’s facilities should not infringe on the rights of others by creating undue or inappropriate noise and clutter.
  1. Only with the consent of all parties will roommates of differing gender identities or sexes be allowed to live together.
  2. Marlboro College will not assign incoming students, to live with roommates of differing gender identities or sexes , unless they are married or have been granted permission to live together in student apartments or at the discretion of the Director of Housing and Residential Life.
    1. Definition of terms: A gender identity is the way in which an individual self identifies with a gender category, for example, as being either male, female, transgender or in some cases choosing not to specify, which can be distinct from biological sex.
  3. Rooming Priority
    1. Priority for dormitory room assignments will be determined by the following:
      1. Seniors with final plan applications on file;
      2. Students with preliminary plan applications on file;
      3. Credits toward graduation;
      4. By lot within categories, priority shall be determined by credits toward graduation.
    2. Priority for group housing units shall be determined by the sum of credits of the applying group. Credits of students in excess of the minimum occupancy for any unit will not count in determining priority.
    3. Priority for group housing units will be given according to the following order of general guidelines:
      1. Married students (or students w/children);
      2. Married faculty (or faculty w/children);
      3. Faculty Fellows;
      4. Single students;
      5. Single faculty.
    4. Prospective tenants may be reviewed by the Housing Committee with respect to their suitability.
  4. All campus accommodations for students returning to campus during the fall semester will be assigned anew in the spring semester prior to that academic year. Students will be required to submit the appropriate housing form to the Director of Housing and Residential Life by the established deadline. Forms submitted after the deadline established by the Director of Housing and Residential Life will result in the loss of priority.
  5. Students who will be on absentia (or will be on another type of leave) for the fall semester will be provided instructions on how to request on campus housing from the Director of Housing and Residential Life.
  6. Should students find themselves the single occupant of a double room (any room designated as such by the Administration prior to the student’s occupancy of it) for any reason during the year, they should reasonably assume that they will have a roommate the following term. During the course of the term in which they find themselves single in a double accommodation, the Administration may, at its discretion and based on priority, move another student into the room to fill the extra bed or ask the occupant to move to another room. Changes of this sort will be subject to appeal and review by the Housing Committee
  7. During the semester, room changes may be effected with the consent of all parties and the Director of Housing and Residential Life.
  8. Room changes need to be completed by the deadlines provided to the student(s) by the Director of Housing and Residential Life. Vacated rooms must be cleaned and readied upon moving out of the old room and prior to the new occupant(s) moving in. The College will not be responsible for personal belongings left in a room after the deadline for moving out.
  9. Each year the Housing Committee will designate housing to meet the needs of students
  10. Variances to the rooming policy may be made by the Housing Committee.
  11. Within the first two weeks of each semester, each dormitory is responsible for creating a dormitory charter. These charters shall:
    1. Be considered an extension of the Town Meeting Bylaws.
    2. Be clearly posted in their most recent versions near the entrances of the dormitory to which they apply.
    3. Be limited in scope and jurisdiction to actions within the dormitory and immediate vicinity.
  1. For the purposes of this policy, a visitor is any person who is neither a currently enrolled student nor an employee. It is intended that this policy provide a means for regulating the behavior of all persons who may be present on Marlboro College property who are not otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Community Constitution and Bylaws or disciplinary processes applicable to students and employees.
  2. Every visitor to the Campus must have a host. All overnight visitors must have a sleeping accommodation in a dormitory room. The host is responsible for the actions of all his or her guests, including visitors who do not stay overnight. No guest may stay overnight on campus if his or her host is absent from the campus.
  3. The host must notify an Office of Housing and Residential Life staff member that a guest will be present and for how long they will be on campus (which includes guests of students in group housing units). Guests are permitted to stay overnight only if all occupants of the room/apartment agree to the visit.
  4. A ten ­day limit for guests will be enforced by the Dean’s Office and the Board of Selectpersons.
  5. The Board of selectpersons has the right to declare any non­member of the community persona non grata and deny visiting privileges to that person for a stated period. For the purposes of this policy, persona non grata means that a visitor has exhibited behavior deemed detrimental to the Marlboro community and thus the visitor is no longer permitted to be present on the Marlboro Campus. Behavior detrimental to the College community includes but is not limited to actions by a visitor which result in offenses against persons or property, disruption of Marlboro processes or programs, violation of a previous legitimate order given by a College official, a continuing pattern of violation of the Community Constitution and Bylaws after notice of the rules has been given, falsification of documents submitted to College staff, or misrepresentation of oneself or of other information to College office or official.
    1. Procedure: A current community member(s) must submit a written statement to the Selectboard re questing a non-community member be declared persona non grata. Upon receiving the request, the Selectboard will deliberate over evidence submitted by the community member(s) in a closed meeting and may consult with said non­member before making a decision. The Selectboard will ensure that anyone declared persona non grata and the community are notified of the decision.
    2. Appeals Process [to Selectboard’s designation of persona non grata]: A current community member may appeal the decision to the Selectboard on th[e] evidence. Should the Selectboard fail to follow these procedures, a community member may bring the case to Community Court. The Court will determine whether the Selectboard followed the appropriate procedure with respect to the evidence. If their process is found inadequate, the case will return to the Selectboard for completion.
  6. Since prospective students are here to see and experience as much of Marlboro College life as possible, the only limitations that may be imposed on them, therefore, must be that they obey the laws of the nation, state, county, and city and the rules and Bylaws of the Marlboro College Community. Should a prospective student go beyond the bounds of what is appropriate behavior, all members of the Community are responsible to inform or remind the prospective student of community rules.
  7. Any non­ community member bound by a court ­issued restraining order against a member of the Marlboro College community will automatically be considered persona non grata by the board of Selectpersons.
  8. During periods when academics are not in session, the President may declare a non­community member persona non grata. Any such action must be presented to the Selectboard at the first possible meeting. Selectboard has the power to review such action.
  9. The current list of people designated persona non grata shall be maintained by the Selectboard and shall be available from the Selectboard and the Dean of Students.

  1. Definitions and Responsibilities
    1. Governance: The Committee on the Town Meeting Scholarship Fund (herein “the Committee”) will manage the Town Meeting Scholarship Fund (TMSF). The Committee will consist of five members. Three members will serve one year terms beginning after the final faculty meeting of the fall term. Two shall serve one year terms beginning following the Final Faculty meeting of the spring semester. Committee members may not apply to the TMSF, but may apply to the Reserve Fund (see A, 3).
    2. Amount of the Fund: The TMSF will be not less than ten (10) percent of the Community Activity Fund. Each spring, the Committee will make a recommendation to the Treasurer as to the size of the TMSF.
    3. The Reserve Fund: The Reserve Fund will be an amount equal to twenty (20) percent of the TMSF, to be drawn from the Town Meeting Fund. The Reserve Fund shall be managed by the Selectboard. This fund is set aside for urgent, unforeseen (and unforeseeable), and time sensitive needs that arise between TMSF application deadlines. It may also be used for emergency needs that do not serve the purpose of the TMSF as defined below (see B). Members of the Committee may also apply to the Reserve Fund. Any funds left in the Reserve Fund at the end of one semester will be included in the TMSF for the next semester. (There have been changes to this language that are pending official language, but amount to the reserve fund being dissolved, and the funds added back into TMSF, which will receive more funds request, as the general fund is no longer able to be used for personal requests.)
    4. Financial Reporting: The Committee will make a detailed financial report to the Selectboard once each semester and to the Town Meeting once each year. The Committee will also make a report available to the Selectboard within 48 hours of a request by the Selectboard to do so, or to the community at large within 48 hours of having been presented with a petition to do with the signatures of three community members.
    5. Effect on Financial Aid: With the exception of the replacement of Federal Work Study Funds by Town Meeting Scholarship Funds, Town Meeting Scholarship Funds are to be considered over and above any Financial Aid Committee grants. Town Meeting Scholarship Funds are not to be considered by the Financial Aid Office in its appropriations.
    6. Misappropriation and Misuse of Awards: Applicants who receive TMSF money may only use that money for the purpose stated in their application. Any money not needed for that purpose must be returned to the TMSF as soon as it is clear that such money will not be needed. Failure to return unused TMSF money, or misuse of TMSF money, is considered a major violation of Community Conduct and will lead to the initiation of a
      Community Conduct process.
  2. Mission and Purpose: The TMSF exists to serve the College’s Mission. The Committee will grant funds based on the principles of the College Mission. It may also give consideration based on class standing, contribution of the applicant to the College community, and demonstrated financial need.
  3. Applications and Privacy: The Committee will accept applications for the Scholarship Fund at regular, publicized intervals. If unforeseen and time sensitive needs arise between deadlines, students may apply to the Selectboard for money from the Reserve Fund.
  4. Privacy and Public Good: In general, the Committee will publish the names of all recipients, the amounts each received, and the nature of the requests. However, applicants may request that their application remain private. The Committee will consult with the Dean of Students on such requests, and will ordinarily respect these requests. If the Committee decides that it cannot grant a request to keep an application private, it will give the applicant an opportunity to withdraw their application.
  5. Appeals and Disputes: No disbursements should be made until at least 48 hours after decisions have been announced. Applicants may request an appeal within 48 hours of announced decisions. If an appeal is requested, disbursements should not be made until after any appeals have been resolved. To request an appeal, an applicant should contact the Public Advocate or the Associate Advocate (if the Public Advocate has a real or perceived conflict of interest). The Advocate will speak with both the Committee and the Applicant to see if a satisfactory resolution can be reached. The two parties may commit to binding arbitration, by a mutually agreeable party. Except in the case that binding arbitration has commenced, the applicant may request that the Selectboard hear their appeal at any time. The Selectboard must hear all appeals that are requested. The Board will consult with the Committee, the applicant, and the Advocate. If the Selectboard affirms the Committee’s decision, it should explain its reasoning, in writing, to the applicant. If the Selectboard find that the Committee made an error, it may use money from the Reserve Fund to resolve the issue.
  6. Reconsideration, Amendment, or Repeal of Article X: Article X may be reconsidered, amended, or repealed by the Town Meeting at any time. However, Article X must be reconsidered, amended, or repealed at any time when the College’s Mission Statement is modified.
  1. Town Meeting will have three representatives to the Board of Trustees: the Head Selectperson, and two student representatives, elected in May for a one year term.
  2. Town Meeting will have at least two student representatives on each policy shaping committee of the faculty, elected in May for a one year term. These representatives are full members of the Committee with voting privileges. The responsibilities of the Town Meeting Representatives include:
    1. Attending regular Committee meetings
    2. Advertising open meeting times
    3. Informing the community on Committee matters by reporting in Town Meeting, ensuring the distribution of open meeting minutes, and any other appropriate means
    4. Gathering and reporting community feedback on topics relevant to the Committee
  3. Task forces may be appointed by the Selectpersons or by Town Meeting for any purpose not normally covered by a Committee. They shall be short term, lasting no longer than one academic year.
  4. Town Meeting Project Committees (“Project Committees”) include the following Committees: Community Service, Environmental Quality, Events, Food, and Public Art.
    1. Project Committees are budgeted from the Community Activities Fund.
    2. Project Committees are composed of three elected members: a Chair, a Assistant Chair, and a Clerk.
      1. The term for elected positions is one year, from the Fall through the Spring semester. Should an elected member resign, the Selectpersons will solicit interested applicants and appoint a replacement. Should the Selectpersons be unable to make a fair decision, a special election will be held. Town Meeting will have veto powers, by two-thirds majority, over any appointment by the Selectpersons.
      2. Town Meeting members wishing to be elected to Project Committees must be nominated in Town Meeting and then elected following the pattern of the Australian ballot. Elections for Project Committees shall be held by the end of the Spring term for the following academic year.
    3. Selectboard shall appoint one of its Selectpeople to serve as a liaison to the Project Committees.
    4. Any community member may sign up for involvement in a Project Committee but are not elected.
      1. Members who sign up are on the committee roster and have voting privileges for decisions.
    5. Elected members of Project Committees shall attend Committee Summits. There will be three Summits in the academic year: in September, January, and April. Selectboard will organize and coordinate the Committee Summits. The Summits shall be organized in the following manner:
      1. At the September Summit, Project Committees will determine their project(s);
      2. At the January Summit, Project Committees will report on the status of their project(s);
      3. At the April Summit, Project Committees will review the outcome of their project(s) in addition to offering recommendations to the next elected body.
    6. All Project Committees shall participate in a Committee Fair the week following the Committee Summit. At the Committee Fair, each committee will:
      1. Present their project(s) for the semester;
      2. Allow interested community members to sign up.
    7. All Project Committees will update the community on the status of their projects at every Town Meeting.
    8. Project Committees shall keep regular meeting times. These meeting times will be announced to the community and inputted into the community calendar.
    9. Project Committees shall publish and distribute the following on Nook forums:
      1. Minutes from their regular meetings;
      2. Monthly updates on their project.
    10. Each committee will be responsible for a bulletin board in the Dining Hall. The bulletin board must contain the following information:
      1. Committee roster;
      2. Semester project;
      3. Meeting times;
      4. Group email address.
  5. Events Committee shall:
    1. Be responsible for organizing and providing for cultural events such as lectures, readings, concerts, and performances open to the community without charge.Be responsible for Apple Days in the Fall semester and Mayfest and the Senior Send-Off Party in the Spring semester. No one of these events shall absorb more than fifty percent (50%) of the funds for the semester without receiving consent from the Selectboard.
      1. Be responsible for all arrangements for events listed in Section ii, including choosing time and place, setting up and cleaning up, advance advertising (including recording events on the Community Calendar in Mather), and providing supplies (extra help— either volunteer or paid with Events Committee Funds—may be recruited, if need be). Be aware of, and abide by, the Alcohol Policy, i.e., by providing only non alcoholic beverages and food when refreshments are supplied.
  6. Environmental Quality Committee
    1. The Committee on Environmental Quality will create, enact, and sustain programs that reduce campus resource consumption and improve campus environmental quality. An additional duty will be to inform and educate.
  7. Community Service Committee
    1. Community Service Committee will be charged with developing and maintaining community service opportunities for the Marlboro College community. The committee will focus its work in the surrounding communities, and yet will not be limited to the immediate geographic area.
  8. Health and Wellness Committee
    1. The Committee shall advise on health care policy and order of operations of the Total Health Center, initiate legislation as necessary, address health related student issues and develop educational programs, discussions and events to meet the needs of the current campus population.
    2. The committee shall advise and work with the Total Health Center, including conducting periodic review of the Health Services and working to improve or revise these services as necessary. The Director of the Total Health Center shall appoint a representative to the committee to facilitate this communication.
    3. The committee shall have four members, two elected at the start of the Fall semester and two elected at the start of the Spring semester for terms of one year. There shall always be at least two students on the committee.
  9. Public Art Committee
    1. The Public Art Committee shall be responsible for the development, advancement, and encouragement of Marlboro community art in appropriate public spaces on the Marlboro Campus.
  10. Gym Monitor:
    1. The athletic equipment kept in the gym will be managed and maintained by a community member appointed to the position of gym monitor. The Gym Monitor shall manage the stereo cord so that it is available only when the THC is closed; post and uphold Gym rules; keep weights orderly and accounted for; advise people on the correct use of the equipment; ensure availability of sanitizing spray bottle; wash gym towels; and be available for consultation on matters of personal training, form, and routine. Selection The Gym Monitor shall be appointed by the THC staff by the end of Spring Semester. The position is for a full school year. The Monitor may be removed by a majority vote in a ballot held after a recall petition to the selectpersons signed by ¼ of the college community. THe salary of the Gym Monitor will be paid from Town Meeting funds at a rate set at VT minimum wage, for up to 10 hrs/wk.
  11. Community Newspaper:
    1. The Citizen is a vehicle for the communication of news, opinions, letters, reviews, and related information among members of the Marlboro College Community. As such, it represents no official position either of the College or of Town Meetings. Its pages and production process are open to any member of the College Community who wishes to participate, within the bounds of practicality and at the editor’s judgment. The Community encourages conscientious and constructive participation, but grants broad latitude to contributors in the spirit of experimentation, humor, and open debate.
      1. Production Policies:
        1. The editor and staff are responsible for soliciting and selecting or producing material for the paper. Editorial oversight in the interests of well written, thoughtful journalism is appropriate, but contributors should be allowed to accept or reject any substantial changes in their work, and the publication of letters in particular should be judged in a context of encouraging debate;
        2. All contributions (except straightforward announcements of events) must ordinarily be signed. The editor may choose to run a piece without a by line for a stated reason accompanying the piece;
        3. The paper appears on a regular basis, every two weeks at least, whenever possible, and is available to all members of the Community.
      2. Newspaper Staff: The formal description of positions is not intended to restrict the working organization of the paper. The Editor and staff are free to divide, share, or exchange specific production responsibilities, or to establish collective processes, in short, to experiment with various ways of putting out a paper.
        1. The Editor: The Editor is elected following the last Town Meeting of the spring semester following the format of Australian Ballot for a one year term, beginning the following fall, or whenever the position is unfilled, to complete a term. Each candidate shall post a descriptive statement of interest within twenty four hours of nomination. The editor may be removed by a majority vote in a ballot held after a recall petition to the Selectpersons signed by one quarter of the College Community; If the Editor is eligible for a Work Study position, the position will be paid instead from Town Meeting funds at a rate not to exceed the amount of a Work Study grant per year; The Editor is responsible for organizing and maintaining the staff from among interested and qualified vo lunteers and in consultation with the Work Study Coordinator. The editor is the Work Study supervisor for any Work Study staff members.The editor is required to meet with Selectboard on a monthly basis to ensure successful completion of the position’s requirements. It is a responsibility of the position to arrange that meeting.
        2. Additional Staff: Those interested in working on the paper, whether on a regular or an occasional basis, meet with the Editor to establish staff responsibilities and positions. The College typically supports the paper by making available the equivalent of at least two Work Study staff positions.
      3. Ethics and Rights:
        1. The Citizen shall, at the beginning of each semester, produce a code of ethics. This code of ethics must be published in the first edition of the semester and held to by the Citizen staff.
  12. Literary Magazine:
    1. Literary Magazine: At least once a year, the Literary Magazine will publish works of literature and art by members of the Marlboro College community. An individual’s publication in a given issue will be at the discretion of the editorial staff. The staff will consist of three main positions a general editor, a business editor, and a layout editor ú for which any member of the College community will be eligible. The general editor will be elected annually from nominations taken at the first Town Meeting of the year. This editor’s job will involve scheduling, organizing, and overseeing the entire project. The general editor will appoint the other two editors for business and layout. The business editor’s job will involve keeping the budget and contacting people. The layout editor’s job will involve directing the actual construction of the magazine. The editors will maintain these responsibilities unless/until cause arises to transfer certain jobs due to an unfair balance of work. However, basic participation on the literary magazine staff, not including work for the said editorial positions, is open to any interested person; this form of participation is not dependent on nomination or appointment.
  13. Food Committee:
    1. The Food Committee will discuss campus food offerings with the dining service, maintain a system for soliciting feedback concerning dining service, and communicate feedback with the kitchen staff. The committee will also work with the Compost Coordinator, the Farm Committee, the Environmental Quality Committee, and the Real Food Challenge to advance their common interests. The committee consists of five community members. A member of the dining service will be invited to be a member of the committee.
  1. The Housing Committee will consist of the Director of Housing and Residential Life, ex officio; A Resident Assistant, ex officio; four students; one staff or faculty member. The committee will assist the Director of Housing and Residential Life in housing policy and administration, to an extent decided by the Director and the committee, and perform duties as specified in article VIII: Rooming Policy.
  2. Elections for the Housing Committee shall take place at the start of the Fall semester (two students) and start of the Spring semester (two students and one staff or faculty member). Terms are one year.

  1. Town Meeting members will elect student representatives to the Admissions Committee. The number of student representatives will equal the number of faculty members on the Committee. The Australian ballot and checklist pattern will be followed. Students shall be elected by the Town Meeting for a term of one year. The yearly election will held following the last Town Meeting of the spring semester.
  2. Students who accept their nomination should write a brief statement explaining why they wish to be on the Admissions Committee. This statement will be posted during elections, to be referred to by those voting to help them make a decision.
  3. All Town Meeting representatives to the Admissions Committee must give a two week notice in the event of their wishing to leave the Committee. The Selectpeople will appoint a replacement.
  1. The Farm Committee will consist of six Town Meeting Members, which includes preferably one student, faculty, and staff member. Three members will be elected at the start of each semester. Terms will be for one year. The Farm Committee will guide, plan, and organize the pursuit of small scale agriculture at Marlboro. They will be responsible for providing leadership and knowledge to the wider community, for coordinating both the physical farm work and the extensive long term planning necessary to create and maintain a sustainable farm. To these ends, the committee will appoint a Farm Manager and Apprentice Farm Manager at the beginning of each Spring semester to coincide with a new growing cycle. Each year, barring exceptional circumstances such as incapacity or incompetence, the Apprentice will be appointed to the position of Farm Manager and a new Apprentice will be selected.
    1. The Farm Manager is appointed by and serves at the discretion of the Farm Committee. The position is limited to faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students(excluding graduating seniors, who would be unavailable in the fall)preferably living on campus. The position would be ideal for students wishing to incorporate the study of farming into their Plan. The responsibilities of the Farm Manager may include but are not limited to: Providing leadership to the farm community at Marlboro College; planning, in collaboration with the Farm Committee, the long term goals of the farm and greenhouse both physically and ideologically; providing a detailed budget in collaboration with the Farm Committee each semester; defining and delegating tasks necessary to the smooth function of the farm; generating and maintaining a detailed map of the farm site; procuring and maintaining necessary tools, equipment, and supplies; organizing the labor of interested community members into Work Crews; organizing the regular harvest of crops and transporting them to the Dining Hall or Campus Center; informing the community of the state of the farm and greenhouse at each Town Meeting; using Farm Committee or other funds to invite and encourage guest speakers; working with the Environmental Quality Assistant to maintain and integrate the compost system into the farm and greenhouse; compiling a running manual of farming techniques and resources; educating interested community members in the use of tools and the knowledge necessary to run the farm; and educating and preparing the Apprentice Farm Manager to take on the role of Farm Manager. The Farm Manager is strongly encouraged to work on the farm during school vacations and required to maintain the farm during the summer, provided that the college can provide hourly compensation and either nearby housing or a housing stipend. If the Farm Manager declines these tasks, the Farm Committee will advertise the position and select the most qualified applicant(s).
    2. In compensation for their responsibilities and work during the spring and fall semester, the Farm Manager will receive a one year salary equivalent to one work study position.
    3. The Apprentice Farm Manager is appointed by and serves at the discretion of the Farm Committee. The Apprentice will assist and learn from the Farm Manager with the expectation that they will take on the full responsibilities of the Farm Manager position the following year. The Apprentice is strongly encouraged to work on the farm during school vacations and during the summer, again contingent on hourly compensation and either housing provisions or a housing stipend provided by the college. If the Apprentice declines these tasks, the Farm Committee will advertise the position and select the most qualified applicant(s).

  1. Living In Color (LIC) is a student-run minority resource group for people of color (POC). It is comprised of 2-3 main coordinators elected by town meeting annually, with at least one being elected is in January and at least one being elected in September, and LIC strongly encourages those leadership positions to be held by POC. However, organizational responsibilities will not be limited to LIC coordinators. All members of the Marlboro community will have many opportunities to contribute. The group will have a faculty advisor who will be appointed by the coordinators as needed. LIC has two main, independent goals:
    1. Community education: Holding events/discussions at least once a month; Bringing noteworthy speakers to give talks on campus. Educational LIC events typically cover a range of themes including race, class, culture, LGBTQA issues and anything else pertaining to the identities of POC at Marlboro College.
    2. Providing safe spaces for POC to share their experiences: Social events for POC may be held on or off campus Above all else, LIC strives to create spaces where people can dissect challenging topics in a mindful and respectful manner.
  2. The Marlboro College Women’s Resource Center aims to recognize oppressive power structures and work against them through intentional dialogue. The WRC provides an accountable space in which individuals present strive not to reproduce oppressions. The WRC also provides a dedicated space for female socialized and/or identified students, staff and faculty of Marlboro College. The WRC aims to empower all community members to reconstruct a sense of community and equality, be an institutional advocate for women, trans people, and women’s issues, and trans issues and be an educational leader on issues of gender, sexism and oppression. The WRC celebrates the exploration of people’s differences and encourages all community members to engage in dialogue with the Center. The Women’s Resource Center’s advisory board will consist of six town meeting members, preferably two staff members, two students, and two faculty members. Members will be elected through Town Meeting and serve one year terms three starting in the fall and three starting in the spring. These town meeting members should serve as community educators and organizers on issues of gender, sexism, and oppression. They will also manage the WRC space.
  3. The Marlboro College Queer Resource Center will endeavor to provide a safe and inclusive space for queer identified individuals within the community. It will also provide educational resources to queer community members, and all community members who wish to learn more about queer culture and identity. The QRC will act as an advocate for those who are questioning, or find themselves in a state of conflict over their gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation. It will advise related policy made through Town Meeting, and have a role in ensuring safety and accessibility in the wider community for all those who identify as queer.
    1. Membership to the QRC will not be determined by election. Rather, all those who wish to be on the QRC shall notify the Moderators. This ensures privacy of queer-identified individuals who may not wish to be ‘out,’ but are in need of a secure and supportive space.
    2. Two QRC Moderators will be elected at the beginning of each fall semester and serve a term of one year. The Moderators are responsible for setting regular meeting times, and calling ad hoc meetings as needed. The Moderators will hold the key to the QRC space.
      1. The Moderators, at the start of each semester, will help the QRC to set guidelines to establish a safe and inclusive space. They will publish these guidelines both in the space itself, and online.
      2. The Moderators will be responsible for maintaining the safety and health of the QRC.
      3. The Moderators may be impeached by petition to the Selectboard. Selectboard will come to a determination with ample voice from the community. If impeachment occurs, Selectboard will hold elections to replace the Moderator(s) immediately.
  4. The Spiritual Life Center shall help to address and facilitate the spiritual and religious needs of students, faculty and staff by providing a Space on campus for the general practice of religious and spiritual activities. The Spiritual Life Committee does not promote the views of any one religion or spiritual tradition; instead, our objective is to allow a space for religious and spiritual life in a secular institution.
    1. The Spiritual Life Center’s advisory board will consist of six town meeting members, two staff members, two students, and two faculty members. Members will be elected through Town Meeting and serve one year terms three starting in the fall and three starting in the spring These members shall be responsible for encouraging discussion about spiritual life, organizing programming, as well as providing links to the greater religious and spiritual community in a manner demanded by the student body.They will also manage the Spiritual Life Center space.
  1. The Marlboro College campus shall be open to all representatives from business, government, education, and social action groups, provided that there is a demonstrated community demand.
  2. In the event that the College is contacted by such a representative, a notice to that effect will be posted for one week. If one or more students indicate interest, the representative will be invited and hospitably received.
  3. The school will initiate contacts with representatives from any group or organization if students show interest in talking with a representative.
  1. In accordance with state statutes, the possession of lighted tobacco products in any form and use of tobacco substitutes (e-cigarettes and other vaping devices) is prohibited in all indoor places with public access and in all indoor workplaces. These include, but are not limited to, the Graduate Center, Marlboro College Technology Center, the Rice Aron Library, the Campus Center, the Dining Hall, Whittemore Theater, Ragle Hall and Serkin, Persons Auditorium, all buildings where classes are held, and all buildings with administrative offices.
  2. Smoking shall be permitted outdoors, provided that it is not within 25 feet of any campus building and in any space specifically designated as a “Smoking Permitted Area.” This shall be defined as any space with an independent ventilation system where College employees and non smokers are not required to visit on a regular basis. Smoking will not be permitted in Whittemore House, Red House, or cabins and cottages unless all residents agree to permit it.
  3. Violators of these prohibitions who fail to comply upon request may be referred to the Community Conduct process.

Note: The following policy was approved in Town Meeting 12/06/2017, and approved by of the Board of Trustees in 06/17/2018.

  1. Preamble: Marlboro College cultivates self-discovery and community awareness through rigorous conversations and energetic debates We recognize that more significant learning takes place when students are given the opportunity to explore, to experiment, to take risks and to change one’s opinion after self-reflection. At the same time, we believe that students benefit from a culture that provides realistic consequences for poor decision-making. Therefore, the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy strives to balance autonomy with accountability. We assume that all students want to enhance their intellectual and social capabilities. We believe that abuse and dependence on alcohol and other drugs restricts those capabilities. The goal of this policy is to provide public health education and support to students who choose to use alcohol or other drugs, and intervention and consequences, where appropriate, for students who abuse that privilege.The Office of the Dean of Students is charged with ensuring that the community receives necessary education and support to help both prevent and address consequences of alcohol and other drug abuse. The Community Conduct process is intended to ensure that the community abides by the Alcohol and Other Drugs policy. The Dean of Students in conjunction with the Dean’s Advisory Committee will review this policy biennially.Abuse of alcohol and other drugs, either illicit or prescribed threatens individual health, compromises educational development, and undermines community integrity. For detailed information on the short and long term effects of alcohol and other drugs, contact the Total Health Center.
  2. Alcohol
    1. Relevant Vermont State Law
      1. Persons under 21 years of age may not possess or consume alcohol, nor may they falsely represent their age in order to procure alcohol. (7 V.S.A., § 656).
      2. No person may knowingly create a direct and immediate opportunity for a person under 21 years of age to consume alcohol. (7 V.S.A., § 658).
      3. Individuals are liable under the law if they furnish alcohol to another individual either apparently under the influence of alcohol (defined as, ―a state of intoxication accompanied by a perceptible act or series of actions which present signs of intoxication‖) or reasonably likely to be under the influence of alcohol as a result of the amount of alcohol served to that person. This person furnishing the alcohol is liable whether they have caused intoxication in whole or in part (7 V.S.A., § 501).
      4. Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other substance with a BAC of 0.08; enhanced penalty for BAC of 0.16 or more (23 V.S.A., § 1201).
    2. College Regulations
      1. As required by federal statute and in order to maintain federal funding, Marlboro College prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol by students and employees on or in all college-owned properties, or as a part of any of its sponsored activities. In particular individuals under the age of 21 are prohibited from possessing or using alcohol and no Marlboro College community member may distribute alcohol to other community members except in a manner consistent with State Law.
      2. Individuals seeking to host a party or social gathering at which alcoholic beverages will be consumed and 12 or more community members will attend are required to register the event with Residence Life in writing at least 48 hours in advance of the event. Requests received inside the 48-hour requirement may be considered at the discretion of Residence Life.
      3. Sponsors of events or social gatherings at which alcohol will be consumed must provide the following: date of event, location, specific hours of event, approximate numbers expected, the type(s) of alcohol, non-alcoholic beverages, and food options that may be available to participants, the name(s) and contact information for the sponsor(s) of event, as well as the names of 2-4 event monitors who are responsible for assisting the sponsor(s) with overseeing that the event.
      4. All sponsors and monitors may be held responsible for the behavior of those attending the event. Sponsors and monitors are strongly encouraged to abstain from or significantly limit their consumption of alcoholic beverages and to contact on-call Student Life staff in a timely manner should they become concerned that a party or social gathering is becoming unmanageable. On-call Student Life staff in conjunction with community members will act to ensure the success and safety of the event or social gathering.
      5. Sponsors of parties or social events at which alcoholic beverages will be consumed are responsible for taking reasonable precautions to prevent excessive drinking.
      6. Smaller gatherings (less than 12) may be held, but such gatherings must not adversely affect other residents or the surrounding environment. Small gatherings of this sort do not need to be registered, unless they are likely to draw attention due to noise or other circumstances. Such gatherings, however, are subject to all regulations regarding alcohol use described in this policy.
      7. No social gatherings can exceed the legal capacity of the room or facility in which they are held.
      8. Sponsors of any college social event at which alcoholic beverages will be consumed will provide similar amounts of popular non-alcoholic beverages and substantial high-protein food options.
      9. The college prohibits any coercion or group pressure to consume alcoholic beverages. This includes all drinking games such as beer pong, quarters, flip cup, etc.
      10. Possession and use of kegs or common containers (e.g. punch bowls) is not allowed.
      11. Alcohol-related behavior that causes or can reasonably be expected to cause physical harm to persons or damage to property or is unreasonably disruptive to the campus community or its neighbors will be considered a violation of this policy.
      12. The college encourages persons concerned about their use of intoxicants to seek advice or assistance through the Resident Assistants, the Student Life Coordinators, the Total Health Center Staff or the Office of Dean of Students. Furthermore, the college encourages persons concerned about the substance use or abuse of another to communicate with that person urging her or him to seek advice or assistance through college support offices. Counseling and medical resources are available on a confidential basis.
      13. Community members seeking help for themselves or others and reaching out to college staff or faculty will not suffer judicial consequence if in violation of the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.
      14. The college will provide assessments, education and information regarding alcohol and other drug related issues and will publish and distribute information about local alcohol counseling and guidance resources. The college will arrange transportation for individuals seeking support outside the college area.
  3. Other Illegal Drug Use
    1. Vermont State Law
      1. Marlboro College in keeping with Vermont State laws pertaining to the possession and distribution of illicit drugs, prohibit the use, sale, or possession of regulated substances without a prescription. In the event that a member of the community becomes subject to legal action for the violation of these laws, the college will review the individual’s status and will take appropriate disciplinary action. See 18 V.S.A., § 4230-4238, 4250, 4252.
    2. College Regulations
      1. Marlboro College prohibits the use, possession, manufacture, or distribution of non-prescribed narcotics, amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, hallucinogens, or cannabis, as well as other synthetic drugs. The college also strongly views abuse of the above substances a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the individual, the college community, and the educational mission of the college.
      2. Marlboro College prohibits the possession of all date rape drugs and club drugs commonly used to commit drug-facilitated sexual assault. These drugs include, but are not limited to Rohypnol, GHB (gamma hydroxybutyric acid), and Ketamine.
      3. Abuse of alcohol and other drugs, either illicit or prescribed, threatens individual health, compromises educational development, and undermines community integrity. For information on the health effects of alcohol and other drugs, contact the THC.
    3. Individual and Community Guidelines
      1. The college encourages individuals needing help as a result of their use of alcohol and other drugs, to contact a Resident Assistant, a Student Life Coordinator, a member of the Total Health Center staff (Health and Psychological Counseling offices), or the office of Dean of Students. Further, the college encourages persons concerned about the abuse of alcohol and other drugs by another to communicate with the other, urging him or her to seek advice and/or assistance through appropriate college support offices. Counseling and medical resources are available on a confidential basis.
      2. The college supports all efforts to provide education in the area of alcohol and other drug abuse and supports individuals seeking help with drug related problems. Information on local drug counseling and assistance programs is available through the Health Center, and the college will arrange transportation when necessary for individuals seeking help outside the college.
      3. To ensure that students receive prompt and appropriate medical attention for alcohol and other drug poisoning and to reduce impediments to seeking such assistance, the college has implemented a Good Samaritan Policy. In instances in which students request medical assistance either for themselves or others due to an overdose of alcohol or other drugs, neither will be subject to formal disciplinary action. In lieu of formal disciplinary action the involved students will meet with the Dean of Students and may be referred to Health Services for further assessment. This policy does not protect students who flagrantly or repeatedly violate this policy and does not preclude disciplinary action regarding other violations of the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.
  4. College Action and SanctionsStudents who violate the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy may be subject to sanction. Sanctions will be determined through the Community Conduct process following the procedures outlined in the Constitution. The appeal process is described in Section V.E. of the Constitution.Several factors will be considered in determining sanctions: the prior history of the student(s) involved in the incident; the severity of the incident and its impact on individuals and the college community; the demeanor of the student(s) during the process; the student(s) acceptance of responsibility through the process; and other mitigating factors. Failure to comply with sanctions will result in further college action which can include suspension or expulsion.

    The expectation is that student(s) will learn from prior incidents, and prior violations will be taken into account in the sanctioning process. Subsequent violations are therefore likely to result in more significant sanctions. However, prior violations will not be used to determine responsibility for behavior in any particular situation currently under consideration.

    Specific violations of the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy include, but are not limited to, the following:

    1. Underage possession/underage consumption of alcohol.
    2. Providing alcoholic beverages to underage persons.
    3. Failure to register a party or social gathering at which alcoholic beverages will be consumed.
    4. Hosting or participating in any activity that promotes excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
    5. Public intoxication.
    6. Excessive use of alcohol which endangers oneself or other members of the community.
    7. Dangerous, disorderly or disruptive conduct.
    8. Conduct that results in damage to or destruction of personal or college property.
    9. Driving while intoxicated.
    10. Misrepresenting one’s age or using altered identification in order to obtain alcohol.
    11. Administration of an intoxicant, without the consent of another, with the intent to impair the other’s ability to control their behavior or to make informed decisions.
    12. Sale/distribution of illegal drugs.
    13. Possession/use of illegal drugs.
    14. Use of a prescription drug if the prescription was not issued to the student, or the distribution or sale of a prescription drug to a person to whom the prescription was not originally issued.
    15. Possession or use of date rape drugs such as Rohypnol, GHB, and Ketamine.
    16. Alcohol/other drug use resulting in medical treatment.

The following sanctions, or any combination thereof, may be applied to any individual student or group of students for violations of the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy:

  1. Educational – examples include community service, educational projects, presentations, or workshops related to the violation and designed to assist students in better understanding the impact of their behavior on self and others.
  2. Counseling Assesment/Evaluation – commonly recommended to assist the student in better understanding the personal decisions or emotional issues that contributed to their behavior.
  3. Restitution/Fines – involves the replacement of property or payment for the replacement or repair of property damaged as well as fines assessed.
  4. Housing Ban – involves restricting a student from a particular residence hall or all residence halls with the exception of the one in which the student resides.
  5. Housing Relocation – if space is available, a student may be moved to a different room or residence hall.
  6. Housing Probation – means that another violation may result in expulsion from college housing.
  7. Revocation of Housing Privileges – means that the student is removed and banned from college housing.
  8. Social Probation – means that another violation may result in the student being allowed on campus only for academic reasons (e.g. classes, library, meeting with faculty).
  9. Social Restriction – means the student in banned from campus with the exception of classes, library work, or meetings with advisor/faculty.
  10. Suspension – this action results in the involuntary withdrawal of the student from the college, its programs, and facilities for a specified period of time (e.g. semester, academic year).
  11. Expulsion – this action results in the permanent separation of the student from the college, its programs, and facilities.
  1. Two people shall be appointed by the Select People as Sound System Curators. Their term shall be one year and they will be paid $150 per semester. The requirements of this position are that each coordinator have a car or some means of transporting the equipment to the requested location. Coordinators shall also have a means by which they are contactable and must publicize that means to the community at the very start of their term. Their duties shall be:
    1. Maintain the equipment; keep supplies of expendable equipment stocked, inventory the equipment once a month and report to the Select People on the use and condition of the sound equipment. If a malfunction with the equipment is detected, report to selectboard immediately.
    2. Make recommendations to the Select People for the purchase of new equipment;
    3. Hold the key to the closet where the equipment is stored
    4. Assure that all equipment is returned to a proper storage location within twelve (12) hours of the cessation of its use.
    5. On Friday evening and Saturday evening the coordinators must be available for contact from 7-10pm. This means that they must have a phone or some means of being contacted on their person during this time.
    6. The coordinators must be aware of the last known location of the sound system. During the 12 hours that the system is checked out for, the curators shall not be held responsible for the well being of the equipment.
    7. The curators must be available to report the last known location of the sound system.
    8. In order to ensure that the curators know who is responsible for the equipment during the 12 hours that they are checked out, the curator must obtain a signature from the person checking out the equipment upon arrival to the requested location. The log will be accessible to selectboard and the curators.
    9. Both curators are required to meet with Selectboard on a monthly basis to ensure successful completion of the position’s requirements. It is a responsibility of that position to arrange that meeting.
  2. Failure to complete these duties will result in the withholding of pay and removal from the position.
  3. A key to the closet where the equipment is stored will also be held by the Head Select Person and the Chairperson of Events Committee.
  4. The Selectboard treasurer shall keep an updated inventory of the Town Meeting sound equipment.
  5. The budget for the maintenance and expansion of the Town Meeting sound system will be set by the Selectpeople.
  6. Borrowers of the sound equipment shall be responsible for the replacement of lost items and damage to the equipment.
  7. Each curator is required to train the newly appointed curator at the beginning of their term. The training should include how to set up the system so that its ready for use once it is delivered to the location.

  1. All campus social events must be cleaned up within twelve hours of the end of the event.
  2. Events in the Dining Hall shall be cleaned up before the next meal.
  3. All campus social events must be cleaned up immediately after the event if the room(s) used during the event is/are scheduled to be used by others before the twelve hour time limit outlined in part A. It is the responsibility of the person(s) sponsoring the event to know if and when the room(s) is/are scheduled to be used next.

At the first Town Meeting the moderator will explain, quickly and concisely, the order and rules relating to how Town Meeting is run. The steps on how a vote is taken, how to ask questions, and how to state opinions for or against a proposal or amendment will be clarified during the first fall town meeting.

  1. The Town Meeting shall be conducted by Robert’s Rules of Order, as interpreted by the moderator. The moderator may appoint a parliamentarian to advise on questions of process during the meeting.
  2. Business may be submitted for a Town Meeting agenda with at least 48 hour notice to a member of the Selectboard, or to the Treasurer in the case of requests for funds. Items may be added with less than 48 hour notice with the approval of the Selectboard.
  3. In advance of a meeting, the Selectboard may fix the time at which to adjourn. This shall be included on the agenda.

  1. Any student taking course(s) for credit at Marlboro College (with the exception of those students in absentia) shall be charged the full activities fee. Anyone wishing to contest this may apply to the Selectboard for a waiver. Waiver applications must be submitted by semester. Graduates of Marlboro College taking courses for credit will be granted a fifty percent (50%) reduction in the Student Activity Fee.
  2. The Selectboard must be informed of any request of $200 or more at least 24 hours prior to Town Meeting. Before making the request before Town Meeting, the person making the request must know the amount of money in the relevant fund, and must have sought other sources of funding, as well, when appropriate; Any request of over $1,000 must be made and posted at one Town Meeting to be acted upon during the subsequent meeting. The person making the request must be aware of the amount of money in the relevant fund, and must have sought other sources of funding when appropriate. If the request is for activities that affect Marlboro College forested land, the applicant must have consulted with the Environmental Advisory Committee. Exceptions to these stipulations can be made by vote of 2/3 present at Town Meeting.
  3. Each Town Meeting agenda will list all requests for money.
  1. Definitions and Responsibilities Governance: Selectboard will manage the Student Interest Group Fund (SIG Fund).
    1. Amount of the Fund: Each spring, the Treasurer shall propose a budget for the SIG Fund for the following fiscal year. Selectboard will bring the SIG Budget to Town Meeting for approval as a part of the yearly Town Meeting budget.
    2. Misappropriation and Misuse of Awards: Applicants who receive SIG Funds may only use that money for the purpose stated in their application. Failure to return unused SIG funds, or misuse of SIG funds, is considered a major violation of Community Conduct and will lead to the initiation of a Community Conduct process.
  2. Mission and Purpose: The SIG Fund exists to support student-organized programming and ongoing initiatives.
  3. Applications: Selectboard will accept applications for the SIG on a rolling basis. Applications shall detail:
    1. the name of the group;
    2. the total amount of funding requested, with a detailed budget breakdown;
    3. the group’s intended purpose;
    4. expressed interest in the SIG; and
    5. how the interest group will give back to the Marlboro College community.
  4. Privacy and Public Good: In general, Selectboard will publish the names of all recipients, the amounts each received, and the nature of the requests.
  5. Appeals and Disputes: No disbursements should be made until at least 48 hours after decisions have been announced. Applicants may request an appeal within 48 hours of announced decisions. If an appeal is requested, disbursements should not be made until after any appeals have been resolved. To request an appeal, an applicant should contact the Public Advocate or the Associate Advocate (if the Public Advocate has a real or perceived conflict of interest). The Advocate will speak with both Selectboard and the Applicant to see if a satisfactory resolution can be reached.

  1. The Selectboard shall appoint a Compost Coordinator, usually a willing staff member with sustainability-related responsibilities. The Compost Coordinator is responsible for the smooth running of the compost systems and for ensuring that all participants are aware of and perform their duties. The Compost Coordinator shall be assisted by at least one Environmental Quality Assistant.
  2. The EQC is responsible for maintaining signs near the compost station in the Dining Hall so that the procedure for adding to the compost bins is clear to all who are dining.
  3. The Dining Hall Crews are responsible for moving the compost buckets from the compost station to the loading dock after brunch, lunch and dinner. The crews are also responsible for wiping down the compost station and maintaining the general cleanliness of the area.
  4. An electronic sign-up sheet for any community member who wishes to contribute to the moving of the compost from the loading dock to the farm shall be maintained by the Compost Coordinator. Members of the Farm Committee and Environmental Quality Committee are expected to sign up regularly. All other community members are encouraged to participate.
  5. The Farm Committee shall maintain the compost heaps at the farm. It shall also maintain clear signs at the heaps describing the procedure for adding the compostable material.
  1. The Farm Fund will be the Marlboro College Farm’s internal bank account.
  2. All profits earned from the Marlboro College Farm will be deposited into the Farm Fund.
  3. The Farm Fund will be overseen by the Farm Manager and the Farm Committee, with the consultation of the Treasurer. The Farm Manager shall:
    1. record all deposits into the Farm Fund;
    2. record all withdrawals from the Farm Fund;
    3. report to Town Meeting at the end of the Fall Semester on the status of the Farm Fund; and
    4. recommend budget changes to Selectboard and Town Meeting at the beginning of the Spring Semester.
  4. The Farm Manager will be bonded for $1,000.

  1. The Community Calendar (“Calendar”) is available to all Community Members to schedule and advertise College Events, on or off-campus.
  2. The Calendar Curator shall maintain an orderly and functional Calendar by:
    1. ensuring Calendar Event cards are stocked, available for use, and kept near the Calendar.
    2. configuring day, week, and month markers, and date/Event cards at the beginning of each semester.
    3. organizing the Calendar regularly and tidying the area around the Calendar.
    4. advertising their presence and role.
    5. supporting community members in scheduling Events.
    6. providing the Town Crier weekly with a list of Events to be announced at mealtimes.
    7. maintaining regular contact with the Events Committee, Committee on Lectures, Concerts, and Exhibits, Office of Residential Life, Selectboard, Academic Affairs, Outdoor Program, and any other Committee, Office, or Department which regularly holds Events.
  3. The Calendar Curator shall ensure that community members are using the Calendar properly by establishing and maintaining a general code of use:
    1. Space on the Calendar may be used exclusively for Event cards and flyers.
    2. Once an Event has been posted, only the Calendar Curator or host(s) of the Event may alter or remove the Event card.
    3. Tampering with, defacing, or removing Event cards is prohibited.
    4. If a Community Member fails to abide by these guidelines, they will be subject to a penalty of one (1) hour of community service.
  4. Elections for Calendar Curator will be held at the beginning of the Spring Semester; the term of the Calendar Curator shall be for one year.