Amelia Fanelli the Chance to Really Participate on Choosing to Come to Marlboro

When I was in 11th grade, I started reading Colleges that Change Lives, and I came across the chapter on Marlboro. It talks about having 300 people, and there are bears, and it’s on a mountain, and I remember thinking this place looks really cool. It was particularly that 300 people part. When I visited Marlboro, students in classes seemed to be active participants in the conversation. I really enjoy the small class size.
I came here with the intention of studying politics. And then second semester of freshman year I took an economics class because, I figured, why not? So now I’m studying politics and economics and I’ve continued studying Arabic, which I started when I first got here. It’s looking like my focus is primarily going to be politics and economics in Tunisia, post-Arab-Spring. I plan to head to Tunisia this summer for my international internship, part of the World Studies program.
Another thing that I really liked at Marlboro was kind of the more egalitarian sensibilities and the self-government. When I came here I started going to Town Meeting, just to see what it was like, and I kept going. And then at the end of the year I was nominated for moderator, and I decided to accept.
I really enjoy moderating. I like being able to be involved, and it’s really helped me to learn a lot more about Town Meeting and appreciate the role it plays in the Marlboro community—what it can do, what its limitations are. For someone who is interested in government, it’s fun to have a chance to really participate. I’ve loved moderating Town Meeting a lot.

Go to a lot of intro classes. That was really important—it’s helped me to make several decisions about which classes I want to take. I do a lot of stuff here and love doing that—being active on committees, acting in plays, working at events—I can’t imagine not doing that. It’s made the transition to college easier for me, I think. I didn’t really have time to think “Gosh I miss my family.” I was too busy doing. So that’s something that I would definitely recommend. Meet new people, keep an open mind, get involved in Town Meeting.