Casey Ford
PhD, University of Guelph, 2016
BA, DePaul University, 2009
At Marlboro Since

“Much of my work centers on questions about difference, the constitution of individuality, dynamic conceptions of relationality, and time,” says Casey Ford, who is a visiting professor in philosophy. Casey received his PhD in philosophy from the University of Guelph in 2016, and has taught philosophy at Guelph, Carleton University, and Marlboro College in spring 2015. His research and teaching interests are in the history of philosophy, 19th- and 20th-century European philosophy, and the tradition of ontology widely construed. His dissertation work focused on the role of becoming in the ontological projects of G. W. F. Hegel and Gilles Deleuze. “At present I am particularly interested in the ways that ethical thought in the Western philosophical tradition has intersected with ontological problems, especially those concerning the nature of the self and the world as the condition and limitation of action,” he says. Casey has written and presented on, and been profoundly influenced by, the thought of Deleuze and the task of taking seriously the role that difference and becoming play in our experience, thought, and the philosophical accounts we give of the world. He is also active in developing different forms of collective philosophical work, including The City Seminar, an annual seminar and pedagogy project in the history of philosophy, and the Minor Ethics Project, a collaborative research group producing original essays inspired by the ethics of Deleuze.