Marlboro featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education

“It’s a place that resonates with these iconic images that are very fertile in the American imagination—the clearing in the woods and the hilltop setting,” says President Kevin Quigley, referring to Marlboro College in a recent article in The Chronicle of Higher Education. “Both are rich metaphors for the establishment of a community, particularly a learning community.”

The special report highlights Marlboro’s bucolic setting, sense of community, and the ability of students to affect change through shared governance. It also touches on the college’s recent struggles with enrollment and financial setbacks, shared by many other small colleges, but emphasizes the college’s many strengths being brought to bear to address these issues.

According to the article, “Students who visit Marlboro know right away whether it’s the right place for them Quigley says. For some, it’s just too remote. But for those seeking natural beauty, outdoor recreation, and a close-knit, collaborative community, he says, ‘it’s often love at first sight.’”